- Testing #Scrivener by importing Google News; let's see if it remains static. Could not get this to work with #Evernote or #Diigo #phdchat #
- The #Scrivener manual says "The web page will be imported as a web archive into the Scrivener project " so will test it #phdchat #
- Do imported web pages in #Scrivener load again, or do they become static? #phdchat #
- Is there a tool or way to save web pages for research purposes? I need to capture some posts before they vanish in history. #phdchat #
- Has a topic for tomorrow's #phdchat been decided yet? #
- Realized I follow 220 people on Twitter; too many to really read. Alas, some people I have followed for a long time without ever reading. #
- RT @jasonhoyt: Get Full Text: Mendeley now works with your local library via OpenURL! http://bit.ly/gLqjMK #phdchat #Mendeley #
- Has anybody else noticed what appears to be a significant drop off in ongoing #phdchat discussions? Hmm, another research possibility? #
- Working against the clock to finish my #ir12 abstract in time; namely by tonight. #
- Am still working on my draft proposal due in part to my learning how to use #Scrivener I can see the potential of this writing app #phdchat #
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