Evernote: More Than a To-Do List?

I am trying out Evernote, the online note-taking and organizing software application that has been available for some time, but I am only now beginning to explore. It does seem a lot more powerful than I initially thought, as I was just thinking about it as an online to-do list and did not know I can save voice, webpage parts, or even upload images.

While I am using a version of this that I installed on my Mac, I struggled with downloading the BlackBerry version of this, since there is a coding problem on BlackBerry App World. Evernote sent me the current direct link, which is here if you also happen to use a BlackBerry Tour on Verizon. Seems they just fixed the link on the BlackBerry page, though I am glad that after reporting this problem, Evernote sent it to me directly.Kudos for Evernote Customer Service.

While I have a suspicion that this application does a lot more than give me a place to store my shopping lists per store, I do not seem to be terribly creative with online applications. I am wondering how others use this to help make things more efficient?

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2010-08-15

  • Finally finished all my errands and the lawn. #
  • Does anybody use different calendars in iCal to differentiate work from home or other things? If so, do you find this helpful or confusing? #
  • Very cloudy outside today. Thought it was supposed to be sunny and nice? #
  • I am checking Facebook. My first time checking it all week. I have to stop over-scheduling my life. #

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