Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2010-03-25

  • Taking some quiet time at lunch to continue to process my assignment due tomorrow, which I have been blogging about. #
  • Every time I do this sort of academic work in a residential, it makes me want to make research a greater part of my full-time work. #
  • Attending a very interesting presentation by Peter Sloep (Netherlands) on designin open infrastructures for open learning and innovation. #
  • So, I could not fall asleep last night; I was rethinking the direction for my proposed thesis design I need to discuss tomorrow. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2010-03-23

  • Amazing to see how the US is the last major nation to ensure healthcare for all. #
  • President Obama just signed the healthcare bill into law. Let's hope this helps our nation. #
  • We just attended to a presentation on the semantic web. Is this just a large mash-up? #
  • Beginning our cohort meetings at #Lancaster. So nice to see my cohort again. #
  • Beautiful morning in #Lancaster (UK, of course!). #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2010-03-22

  • Trains in the UK are not entirely understandable, given the multiple lines, platform sections, and classes. #
  • Just noticed I have a 3G icon on my BlackBerry via Vodaphone. Never seen that with my #Verizon account in NYC. Hmmmm. #
  • Bought my train ticket to Lancaster for later, and was all thumbs with the richness of British coinage. The ticket lady was very helpful. #
  • Just got to Manchester Piccadilly station. Almost missed the train here since I did not know I had to push the button to open the train door #
  • I slept about one hour on the plane to the UK. A large latte should help. #
  • Just landed in Manchester. What a smooth flight. #

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The Refining (Potential) Research Design

I have been thinking about issues in and around identity development so much in the past few days, that I fear I may begin to hear voices that are really there due to their speaking themselves into being!

Where am I right now? Mind you, this is something to present to my cohort colleagues and program tutors, and I am not bound to this for all eternity (or even for the week, as I do not need to actually declare this until next year).

Interests and Context:

I am interested in understanding how developing researchers  in the social sciences experience, process, and share troublesome knowledge via social media, and how it has led them to experience perspective transformation.


I am not sure about the methodology yet. I like the possibilities of narrative inquiry to tell an engaging stoy, but I think I should wait until I attend a workshop on grounded theory that I am scheduled to attend in late May before I really settle on the specific methodologies. The population I hope to study can be in any of the areas of the social sciences (education, technology-enhanced learning, nursing, sociology, and the like), and I will identify this population by advertising on email distribution lists and several email blasts to friends and colleagues.

Let me consider this a little more in the morning.