Interview Progress for Public Transformations Research

With so many generous participants offering to assist me with my research project, Public Transformations: Adult Learners Who Use Social Media to Express and Understand Their Identities as Developing Researchers, I want to provide a brief update as to where I am with all this.

I have thus far completed 6 interviews (I initially planned for 3), have one more confirmed, and am trying to coordinate 2 additional ones. I will collect far more experiences (data, in research terms) than I need for this course project, and hope this helps me understand the topic more completely, perhaps to assist with my dissertation (thesis, in UK parlance) direction for next year, a research paper I am already formulating, and some really valuable findings to better understand how this all fits together. With so many wonderful people out there willing to open their lives and meaning making to me, I want my work to benefit our community of learners and educators as well.

Next, continue with the transcription steps . . .

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2010-01-11

  • At least now somebody else will write Palin's verbiage. #
  • Sarah Palin will become a Fox News commentator #
  • Somebody in the elevator has the iPod so loud, she will damage her ears. I wanted to tell her that, though she could not hear me. #
  • I need a coffee before the conference call I scheduled to begin now. Quick Quick. #
  • Trying to dig out from a mountain of email in the office. How could so much have come over the weekend? #
  • #Staples is having an intersting Twitter-based contest See @staplestweets. #

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