Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-08-18

  • Great article on Twitter and Health Care #
  • Anybody planning to attend the Networked Learning Conference 2010 #
  • Strangely, the new New York Open Center’s bookstore has bad Feng Shui. Felt boxed in and not intimate enough to browse. #
  • #
  • Just visited the new home of the New York Open Center at 22 East 30th Street. New, clean, and quite modern. Nice. #
  • Allergies are really acting up today. Need something stronger. #
  • Going out into the abusive heat for lunch. #

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eLearning with Adobe Captivate 4

While I often use my blog to discuss research projects related to my doctoral studies or related conference / publication work, one aspects of my professional involvement may come as a surprise to some. I work as a project manager and instructional designer, though I also increasingly engage in eLearning.

captivate 4eLearning and I have a mixed relationship, as often I find it either too involved or not involved enough. As I am currently finishing a short piece on critical thinking–Critical Thinking and the Information You Need. With the purpose of the module being an introduction to critical thinking for doctoral students, I am building this with Adobe Captivate 4 and will publish this as an executable file, so to avoid the possible technical issues that arise with various versions of Flash player. 

It is a lot easier to engage in eLearning when it is a topic I am interested in, that is for certain!