Barack Obama, the Hope We Need Today

Let us wish the best for today’s inauguration and for the new US President elect, Barack Obama (especially for those who have not drunk the Obama Kool-Aid). If ever we need hope for a better future, today is the day.

Barack Obama

Given the crowds and the almost unending positive attention today has in the media, workplace, and general conversations, I think the change Obama has promised is already happening.

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-01-19

  • Just read a colleague’s dissertation and offered some thoughts and feedback. I then sent it to the muses for my own inspiration. #
  • About 1 and a half feet of snow today. Had a wonderful stew for dinner and mulled wine (my own recipe) all afternoon and evening. #
  • I am mastering the single crochet with a washcloth I am making from thick organic cotton. #
  • It is still snowing. Officially higher than the dogs. The paths I shoveled for them are now like walled paths for them to run through. #
  • Woke up to a snow storm in the Catskills. Got about 7 inches today, which is on top of about 1 and a 1/2 feet we already have. #

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Expecations and Barack Obama

Tomorrow is the day when the 8 years of the second Bush administration finally comes to an end. The torture, elimination of civil rights and privacy, unfocused war on 2 fronts, banking and economic meltdown, increasing global climatic change, systematic elimination of ecological habitats, lack of international respect and pride, increase in reliance on imported oil and countless other products, increase in unemployment, explosion in debt, larger government than we have had in generations, and more disatrous social policies to name, will not be a quick or easy fix for the next administration.

Nevertheless, Barack Obama is more popular than any incoming president in years.

Moreover, there are almost impossibly high hopes for him to affect the very change he has promised.

Will Obama’s “Hope We Can Believe In” live up to expectations? Perhaps the question should instead be reveresed–how horrible if it cannot.

I wonder if the consensus is so dire that any improvement will be welcome, even if only a few minor steps? I wonder if things have gotten so bad that the American people will forgive Obama for taking longer on fixing the nation than we would with others, partly because he seems to be such a good person, partly because we have so far to climb, and partly because everything seems so broken that where else can we go but up?

This may be a singulalry unique political opportunity, one that we may not see again for some time. Whatever the case, my experience shows it is easier to get into debt than out of it, easier to put on weight than take it off, easier to become self-righteous and intollerant than to collaborate and focus on inclusion. I wonder if the same may be true for this large and complex country?

Barack, we do put our hope and trust in you. At this point, we are nearly out of any other options, and only hope it is not to late.

Then again, by the fact that I am freely writing and publishing this blog post, it seems hope may still be alive.

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-01-17

  • It is -10 right now in the Catskills. Never been in this temperature before. #
  • Cannot believe how busy today was. The office was quiet, but I ran out of time for the tasks at hand. Anyway, long weekend ahead. #
  • Monumental line at the Post Office. They removed the stamp machines and now open at 9:00. The wasted time encourages finding other means. #
  • Andrew Wyeth, the American artist, just passed away May he RIP. #

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