Are you one of the 1800+ people who will be participating with the Connectivism and Connective Knowledge (CCK08) online course that George Siemens and Stephen Downes are facilitating and formally begins tomorrow?
Want to watch a short online introduction to the course? Click the image to see it:
\See\ you \there\, Jeffrey. :^)
Hi Jeffrey,
I’m the Continuing Education Guide at, a New York Times Company, and I blogged about you today after finding you in my Google Alerts. Just wanted you to know.
Btw, you’re superhuman!
@Lynn Tveskov
It promises to be an intersting experience. While the class has just begun, I already like the resources that have been gathered together. I am saving them all to tagged as #cck08.
@Deb Peterson
Thank you, Deb. I really appreciate your finding my work and thinking useful. Makes me think about a new blog post idea. Nothing like public reflective practice!