- Was at a training class all day yesterday. Checked my email throughout the day, and still overwhelmed this morning. #
- @gminks Which class? #
- @SarahStewart Hope you are still here . . . #
- The day is really flying by. #
- Just saw an ad for Heroes, beginning again on 9/22. Sweet. #
- Having trouble finding just the right text for my Principles and Practices of Online Course Creation and Instructional Design course. #
- Am actually considering <GULP> using only online books, articles, and materials. Has anybody had success with them? #
- @gminks Stretch. #
- @robin611 Wonder how they did that, especially for tactile and visual learners? #
- @robin611 I am finding that what I want is still 2 years ahead of publication. I do not want to focus on the newest by any means! #
- @SarahStewart Fun, though will it be classified as peer-reviewed yet? That is a struggle . . . #
- @SarahStewart What take are you doing with it? #
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