Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-11

  • @jimgroom Love that movie; has been years since I saw it. Look forward to your review. #
  • @dmcordell I know. Had such hope for him to clean up corruption in Albany when he was elected. However, he came in like a bully, and . . . #
  • @mashable On the surface it makes a lot of sense, but deeper down it is problematic. Reminds me of the PATRIOT Act. #
  • @injenuity I completely iunderstand. With lots of inaccuracy out there, I do not want to add to it! #
  • Just had an unbuttered role with my coffee. The lack of butter was a nod toward being a bit healthier. #
  • I do not really use the Amazon Wish List. Does anybody out there use it? #
  • and the day’s meetings begin. #
  • I need to organize bookmarks / links into thematic folders. Anybody know any options for doing this? #
  • I suppose I can make better use of tags and marking things as "do not share" when I need to access them for work alone. #
  • Really glad I can send print jobs directly to the big Ricoh copier. So much more efficient with time and resources. #
  • @RobinYap Nominate me! #
  • Do plants Twitter when they need to be watered? Thanks for the notification, Emma #
  • @johnong By, John. We may be here when you return! #
  • @johnong Of course, it is easy to be "finished with Twitter" when you are not following anybody. Somewhat dull that way. #
  • @WendyDrexler That looks like a great priogram, Wendy. #
  • @SarahStewart I think you can, I think you can, I think you can . . . #
  • @RobinYap If in Europe, vino is always appropriate. What we can learn from the Continent! #
  • @WendyDrexler That it does, Wendy. #
  • @RobinYap Sounds great. #
  • @WendyDrexler Don’t know if you are still looking for a threaded discussion platform, but have you explored Ning? #
  • Sitting with drinks in hand at El Quijote with colleagues from work. #

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