Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-01-20

  • Have a few work meetings before the inauguration. #
  • Walking along the Hudson in Manhattan; pretty snow falling. Looked into the river and see large chunks of ice moving up and down. Scary. #
  • Had to drive the last hour through snow. The traffic slowed almost to a stop. Glad I am now safely parked. #
  • At Woodbury Common sitting in the car with the dogs. Everybody else is shopping. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-01-19

  • Just read a colleague’s dissertation and offered some thoughts and feedback. I then sent it to the muses for my own inspiration. #
  • About 1 and a half feet of snow today. Had a wonderful stew for dinner and mulled wine (my own recipe) all afternoon and evening. #
  • I am mastering the single crochet with a washcloth I am making from thick organic cotton. #
  • It is still snowing. Officially higher than the dogs. The paths I shoveled for them are now like walled paths for them to run through. #
  • Woke up to a snow storm in the Catskills. Got about 7 inches today, which is on top of about 1 and a 1/2 feet we already have. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-01-17

  • It is -10 right now in the Catskills. Never been in this temperature before. #
  • Cannot believe how busy today was. The office was quiet, but I ran out of time for the tasks at hand. Anyway, long weekend ahead. #
  • Monumental line at the Post Office. They removed the stamp machines and now open at 9:00. The wasted time encourages finding other means. #
  • Andrew Wyeth, the American artist, just passed away May he RIP. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-01-16

  • Preparing for a 9:00 Project Steering Committee meeting. #
  • and, it is even getting colder tonight. #
  • Strange after having 2 Maker’s Mark MAnhattans I seem to always want pizza. Good ‘ole Two Boots. #
  • Met up with a friend for drinks this evening. She told me of her recent trip to Africa. Fascinating. #
  • Horrible story about that plane crash in the Hudson River. #
  • Sunny outside, though has gotten very cold outside. #
  • With 2 full blocks of fire equipment, perhaps they need the police to help with traffic control and direction? #
  • Major fire department activity on 29th Street between Broadway and 6th. Sixth Ave is at a standstill. #
  • Out into the snow. #
  • co.mments will be shutting down this week So sorry to see them go. #co.mments is the best service to track comments. #
  • Snowing in NYC #

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