Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-02-02

  • Have to go to our Queens office this morning to enlist nurses into an internal research project. #
  • OK, that is it. Time to get some sleep! #
  • Still cleaning through email. #
  • Finished ironing clothes for the week. Let’ see; what else to do before sleep? #
  • No traffic at all in the Lincoln Tunnel. The Super Bowl is a great time to travel! #
  • Leaving the house and found another leak due to the ice. Had it with this winter. #
  • Doing the last load of laundry before the drive back. #
  • Been outside for hours with some people helping us get ice off the roof. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-01-31

  • The snow is sticking to everything; trees, the house, and fences. Appears about 3 feet deep, though there are packed down layers underneath. #
  • Cam’t believe the dogs got me up this early. Will need to do Saturday morning training with them. #
  • The last 10 miles was in snow. About 5 inches on the unplowed road. Outside, perhaps 3 feet? #
  • Need to get some fresh air this weekend. #
  • Leaving the office. Hurray for the weekend! #
  • Is anybody planning to submit a paper for the AoIR Internet Research 10.0 – Internet: Critical conference? #
  • It has gotten colder and more raw outside as the day has progressed. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-01-30

  • People watching during the first Intermission. Some lady in a box is knitting. #
  • Fell asleep during Act I of Lucia di Lammermoor. Why can’t they sing more loudly? #
  • Just sat to see Lucia de Lammermoor at the Met Opera. #
  • Meeting friends for dinner before the opera. #
  • I am working on a proposal for the AoIR 10 Conference Anybody else submitting a proposal there? #
  • Worked with a colleague to build an Intro to Instructional Design presentation for our OD Department. #
  • Listening during the #waatwaat conference call. #
  • Just joined the #cp2 conference call. #
  • Getting a sandwich and latte. #
  • Fell off a chair at work. What a day. #

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