Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-02-27

  • I like the term “trainwreck.” Quite clever. BTW, listening to Amy Winehouse. #
  • Listening to tv in the background. “You are the harbinger of death, Kara Thrace. You will lead them all to their end.” #
  • Working on a consulting project with a tight deadline. I hardly have time to Tweet. I really need some peanuts. #
  • And in a blink, today is done. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-02-26

  • Adam Lambert on American Idol is amazingly good. Far above the others tonight. #
  • The 5th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry #QI2009 just released the preliminary program #
  • I decided not to renew my #ASTD membership. Just do not find enough value for the cost. #
  • Got my hair cut this evening. Much shorter. #
  • Meetings, meetings, meetings. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-02-25

  • President Obama just said the US does not torture, and he is making that commitment tonight. Thank god some sense back in the White House. #
  • I hope the President holds the banks accountable. After wasting the first huge amount of money on them, they still won’t give me a break. #
  • Barack Obama is such an engaging speaker. Does he effect any of you in the same way? #
  • Watching President Obama on tv, for his speech to Congress. #
  • Working lunch meeting. Still have to finish my performance review . . . #
  • Busy morning of meetings. #

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