Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-03-14

  • I just ordered a blue Asus Eee PC 1000HE. Amazon has it in stock, will get it Monday. Sorry Lenovo; don’t try to sell what is not made yet. #
  • So, should I order an Asus Eee PC 1000HE or Samsung NC10? #
  • Just canceled my Lenovo S10. It was backordered, and would not get it in time for my UK trip. #
  • Will work in our Queens regional office on Monday. #
  • Endless meetings today. Lots to do before 5. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-03-12

  • I just ordered John Law’s “After Method: Mess in Social Science Research” at @ai1sa ‘s recommendation. Nice to get new suggestions this way. #
  • Been having all sorts of problems getting Adobe Acrobat 8 to work with Office 2007. 2 hours later, success. #
  • Such a busy day I actually could not get lunch. Never happened before. #
  • Writing a Project Concept and Initial Scope document. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2009-03-11

  • Adam Lambert on American Idol is so fantastic. Never seen anybody else on the show interpret music as well as he has been doing. #
  • Check out this SlideShare Presentation : PPOCCID Sp09 Class 6v2 #
  • 6 new comments on “Pat’s Online Training Place” and more #
  • Fortune cookie – Do not follow where the path may lead. Go where there is no path . . . and leave a trail. #
  • Finally out for lunch. Big Indian meal. Really tough day. #

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