@LitProfSuz To this point, I begin working on the final project on the first day as well; helps to connect the course as a whole #AdjnctChat
Tag: Twitter
RT @LitProfSuz: @JeffreyKeefer I provide the final…
RT @LitProfSuz: @JeffreyKeefer I provide the final exam question on day 1: Why does literature matter for society & individuals. #AdjunctChat
@EFChandler This is a real challenge, one I believ…
@EFChandler This is a real challenge, one I believe highlights an acute struggle for reliance on #adjunct instruction #AdjunctChat
RT @EFChandler: @4KM Yes, indeed. And therein lies…
RT @EFChandler: @4KM Yes, indeed. And therein lies the value of Twitter chats. Thank you for sharing, Alice. I learned from you today. #adjunctchat
@melovell @LitProfSuz @Blaise7 This makes online c…
@melovell @LitProfSuz @Blaise7 This makes online communities so engaging: they are not so time-bound.