Stonehenge: A Visit Around the Circle

Continuing on my way to London for BERA2011 after my visit to Montreal, I was finally able to make it to Stonehenge, one of the cultural and historical World Heritage sites I have been longing to visit for some time. The sheer size of these stones, their placement, and the questions about the builders and their intentions at this site remain a mystery to use even today. Glad to have visited.

All my pictures from this part of my trip are on Flickr.






Winter Solstice and Yule

Today is the Winter Solstice, also known as Yule / Midwinter / Alban Arthan, a time of endings and new beginnings. However you may recognize or celebrate this day alone or with friends or colleagues, may you and yours take comfort that this day has traditionally been seen as a turning of the year. A time of new beginnings. The shortest day of the year, and thus the return of the sun. Rebirth. New life and hope.winter solstice stonehenge Whatever we did not learn this year is now behind us. May we be open to making more meaning of the experiences that await.

May the new days ahead bring peace and happiness.