It is official, I came down with bronchitis yesterday, and I am taking lots of medications for it right now. I do not think this is the Northern Voice Plague which affected so many people after last year’s Northern Voice, as I have felt fine this week. I just think I juggled too much this week, with work and academic deadlines that all seemed to come simultaneously.
Tag: nv08
Northern Voice; Post-Reflection
I think I will let my blogging tagline guide me for my next step as I begin my debrief:
Reflective practice in organizational learning, educational technology, and postmodern society.
Reflective Practice
I want, or rather need, to continue to reflect on my experiences. This reflection is critical to my learning. Writing new blog posts after having liveblogged every session I attended at nv08, Tweeting, and reviewing my Flickr photos to help me recall forgotten moments are all conscious choices I am making to foster my own grounding and creative development. So much content and experiences and learning so quickly was overwhelming. Strange how writing, even here, helps me to process it all.
Organizational Learning
I did not attend nv08 alone. I started to read more blogs and Tweets of people who I knew before the conference, as well as people I met while there. My FeedDemon feeds (kept current on my blog) have been working overtime, and I think that I will be adding to these in the coming week or so as I recall people who I wanted to follow but did not add them at the time.
Educational Technology
I learned edubloggers are more varied than I initially thought. For many years when I thought about edubloggers, K-12 jumped to my mind. Having met so many who teach adults, I felt more at home than I thought I would. I am actively demonstrating what I am learning via technology by committing to more actively comment than I have done in the past. I want to read and join in a community with others who have similar interests and skills and experiences and challenges. As writing helps me to learn, perhaps sharing this with others on their own social media outlets may engage others in conversation and continue the learning in new and exciting directions.
Postmodern Society
Is there a common Northern Voice attendee? Is there a common worldview there? Platform? Favorite technology? Coolest accessible app? Best approach to social media? What does it mean to have a “personal blogging and social media” conference in person at all, given the topic? Should there be a virtual conference mid-year to debrief, check-in, and prepare for the February event?
It feels liberating to consider NV within the context of my blog’s tagline. Hey, if it does not fit there, then the tagline needs to evolve. Glad to see the revised (current) one I developed a few weeks ago, after working on it for weeks, seems to be just right. For now, at least.
Technorati Tags: nv08,northernvoice,reflective practice
Northern Voice on Flickr Hot Tag List
My full-size screenshot of this is now on Flickr adding to the nv08 tags, too!
Northern Voice 2008 Mosaic
This is one more example of the creativity and size of the conference, and kudos for Duane to capture it in this manner!
Technorati Tags: nv08,northernvoice,mosaic
Don’t call it a Blog, Call it an Educational Publishing Platform – Liveblogging nv08
Increasing Internet connectivity issues here. Seems people who are live streaming the sessions are filling the network bandwidth.
There is so much information here, I wish this session were in the morning. Perhaps they will provide the links they showed on the wiki or their blogs?
Technorati Tags: nv08,northernvoice