Northern Voice 2008

I am so happy to see the folks at Northern Voice will again hold the 2-day blogging and technology conference on February 22-23, at the main UBC campus’s Forestry Science Centre (the same location as last year). I met so many great people at that conference last year: Nancy White (finally!), Lee LeFever (finally!), Robin Yap, Arjun Singh, Kris Krug, Aidan Henry, Chris Lott, Chris Heuer, and on and on. While I am trying to stabilize my finances, I know that this past year’s conference changed the way I approach technology as more of a social and educational experience rather than a me-alone-at-my-computer one. I can’t wait to see the new promo image for this year!

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PodCamp NYC 2.0

I'm going to podcamp nyc 2, feb 29 - mar 1, join meAfter the wonderful success of this past year’s successful PodCamp NYC (now re-branded as PadCamp NYC 1.0), it appears there will be another one in 2008. Listed as PodCamp NYC 2.0, this one promises to be even bigger (i.e., it is now 2 days instead of one) while still being free. This is an amazing feet, in that last year as an unconference (which had formal presentations, somewhat unconferency-like) it attracted 800 people. It is branching into Brooklyn this time, and will be held at Polytechnic University, which is in the process of formally merging (being bought?) into New York University. I know that I learned a lot last year by attending this, and while I am still not a podcaster and do not listen to many regularly, I am looking forward to learning a lot more. Hey, maybe I will podcast at some point after all!

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Google & Open Social > Good-bye, Facebook

Google announced their Open Social platform yesterday, and this seems to be the next great “thing” out there in the social networking world. For all those who were getting comfortable in the Facebook world, it will once again start to slip away in favor or open API and programming architecture. The days of hiding behind a member’s only wall where nothing can be exported seem to be drawing to a close (remember AOL?).

Google never does anything without a business plan to make a bucket of money, so I wonder what this will do (expect draw people to their sites again rather to to Facebook)?

Volunteerism and Technology: New Ways to Expand Capacity and Build Community

Yesterday I spoke at the Volunteerism and Technology: New Ways to Expand Capacity and Build Community conference that was organized by the United Hospital Fund in New York City. I presented on Webinars within non-profits. I uploaded the slides into SlideShare.


Working in instructional design and project management of organizational learning initiatives, this fits well with my previous position in knowledge management and technology training.

Beth Kantor’s Innovative Nonprofit Fundraising

Leave it to Beth Kantor, the innovative web guru of nonprofit social media and low-cost technological wizardry to raise enough money online to send not one, but now almost two students in Cambodia to college. Beth has long been involved with working with the needy in Cambodia, and with her large network of admirers and colleagues and associates, she has raised thousands of dollars in a day or so, all through small donations and via word of mouth (with some Twitter and Facebook support). Keep up the good work, Beth, and glad I could pitch in at least a little bit!

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