Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-06

  • Just worked out at the gym while finishing my #cp2tech reading and listening to a combination of George Michael and Ensemble Alcatraz. #
  • @smithjd OK, for our workshop, it is #cp2tech01. Can you update this in our internal workshop areas so we will all be clear? #
  • @shirleyearley What are you doing with tagging? #
  • @josien About ready to cut some Twitter folks I follow but no longer read. The first time I did it and Scoble went bye, I felt so free! #
  • @cindybrock Night. #
  • @dougsymington That it is, Doug. Welcome to them all. #
  • @arjunsingh Why? #
  • @dmcordell Have some cake for me. #
  • @phdaisy I like SocialThing!, but it seems to be taking so long to develop. In other words, there is not much there to do yet. #
  • @jazzychad Mister popularity! Hope you have unlimited texts. I had to turn that off; I could not take the vibrations. #
  • @arjunsingh Busy day tomorrow then. Best with it. #
  • Did #Twemes take over where #hashtags left off? #
  • Can it be I have been too busy to Tweet??? #
  • @skydaddy Wow. How much do stamps cost these days, anyway? #
  • Veggie patty from Subway with a skim latte. If only I could be somewhat as healthy. #
  • Polishing my syllabus for the graduate leadership course I begin teaching next week. #
  • @gusgreeper How does the saying go? It takes all kinds. #
  • Joining @kanter for an CP2tech01 field trip to see what she does with tagging her NpTech. #
  • @josien Lucky you. #
  • @socialthing Excellent. Few tools are as user-friendly as yours, so am really looking forward to it. Let me know if you need any testers. #
  • In the #CP2tech01 call — are we supposed to be on a site, or just on the teleconference? #
  • @kanter For the #cp2tech01 field trip right now, are we just listening, or are we supposed to be looking at something together right now? #
  • @coyenator It does sound so, but I cannot locate them. #
  • @coyenator If we do not speak up, we may fall behind. The issue seems when / how to raise them. Good to recall with colleagues #cp2tech01 #
  • @CP2tech01 My blog is not on the #CP2tech01 RSS feed. #
  • @smithjd Hurray!!! Can you then post the RSS OPML stream on the wiki left nav bar, under CP2tech? That way it will be easier to locate. #
  • @smithjd I tried to add a comment, but still seem to be muted. How can I get unmuted? #cp2tech01 #
  • @coyenator Hurray, a reader!! Seriously, thank you, LaDonna. Once the RSS OPML stream is up, I will then start to travel between them all! #
  • Leaving for class. Tonight my students in Project Management for Training do their final projects. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-05

  • Writing about FireFox extensions for the CP2tech workshop in response to a question posted by @smithjd #
  • Lots of people have been suggesting I use FireFox as my promary browser, but IE still has the ctrl+T shortcut that opens a new tab at Google #
  • @derekcx Welcome to Twitter. What Moodle work are you looking for? #
  • Just overheard somebody speaking about Mother’s Day. She said "he better give me something nice, as I’ve given him two kids." #
  • I wonder if he sees it in that way? #
  • @pinoyboy That makes perfect sense to me, especially if the pie is fresh and home made. #
  • What strategies do people use to keep up with reading the Tweets of others? #
  • @pinoyboy I can almost smell it. #
  • Off to mandatory fire safety training. #
  • @RobinYap Not sure if interesting is a word I would use to describe this. #
  • The fire safety training was valuable and well-worth attending. The person who does it is dynamic and engaging. Go, Frank! #
  • @Currie Hello, Sylvia. #
  • @shirleyearley No idea on that one. #
  • @macboyx Did you enjoy it? #
  • @dmcordell What would you envision it contain? #
  • @dmcordell I aggregate Tweets in FeedDemon, but when I follow more people, I have a lot more to read. One strategy is to not follow so many. #
  • @josien One issue is that I do not usually have Internet access during the weekend. I can send them from my BlackBerry, but not easily read. #
  • Attending a teleconference to discuss the first week experience for the Connected Futures workshop. #
  • What is the Connected Futures tag – #CP2tech or #CP2tech01? #
  • @etheoreal Not sure which tag to use. #
  • @shirleyearley Are you using #cp2tech01 or #cp2tech as the tag? #
  • Listening to the #cp2tech01 workshop, and find the sharing of issues and concerns and "how are things going" fascinating. #
  • Some of this information is, even for me, a bit too workshop-focused to share here. I usually do not mention that here. #
  • @Currie Use the phone then . . . #
  • @smithjd It becomes a little confusing, then, John. More difficult to track. May I suggest we agree on one and only one to use everywhere? #
  • My blog RSS feed has not yet been added to the #cp2tech01 OPML feed. #
  • @Currie Unless people are using #cp2tech01 #
  • @Currie Great to hear you on the phone! #
  • @kanter Nice to hear you at #cp2tech! #
  • @coyenator I agree. I think about the value of beta testing and user analysis, and in that sense we are that group. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-04

  • Kentucky Derby party was inside, since the weather yesterday was a bit damp and chilly. People seemed to like my sangria and mint juleps. #
  • A neighbor came and performed an adult puppet show, complete with puppet stage and storyline. A lot of talent floating around. #
  • Doing more laundry. Never had my own laundry machines. Why settle for white? Artic blue all the way! #
  • Getting coffees for the drive back to the city. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-03

  • Bottle King; one of the great things about New Jersey. #
  • Preparing for our annual Kentucky Derby party. Cool and wet outside, but warm and cozy in here with the fire and mint-infused bourbon. #
  • Did not know new front-loading high efficiency washers need special detergent. #
  • Trying out the new washer and dryer. Beautiful looking Maytags in arctic blue. Thought they should go in the living roomm they are so nice! #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-02

  • Catching up with reading the posts on CP2tech, the Connected Futures workshop. #
  • @CP2tech01 Then some really interesting things may happen . . . #
  • @pinoyboy Your last post did not have words, only "??????? ???!!!" #
  • @Currie Hope she is doing well; poor little thing. #
  • @pinoyboy Unless, of course, I could read Japanese as well. #
  • @phdaisy You are using it for your own online organization? #
  • My monthly parking fee just went up 10 percent. Wish my salary kept pace. #

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