Qualitative Research and the Internet

The presentation on technology made some interesting comments about how the rooms we are using in the conference are a bit barren of technology. Wonderful wifi access throughout the campus, but a strange lack of projectors for computers. Oh good, the overhead projector is almost warmed up.

Nice to have some interaction here at the beginning of the session. Interesting that one of the people in the session is from the CUNY Graduate school.

The first person is speaking about patient populations accessing their own healthcare information is available online.

Interesting how Canada is now doing a lot of work with online health counseling. This seems to have to happen since Canadians are so geographically disperse.

The issue about ethical considerations and consent are still surfacing with online research. There is not a standard or clear consensus yet about this. This supports what we learned and studied in my Lancaster program, where we spent some time with Kanuka and Anderson’s Ethical Issues in Qualitative E-Learning Research.

The person who is presenting this now asked the attendees what their thoughts are about what sorts of questions may or should be asked for the online patient population for online counseling.

Really interesting about this pushing the boundaries of healthcare. I know there are more and more needs and calls for research around this area, in part because of need and (at least in the US) for cost savings. Really interesting thinking about online patient care needs.

Now another presentation, this one called “Shopping for Humans: Love, Sex, and friendship on the Internet and Elsewhere.”

There was an interesting session on World Cafe-sort communication. We met in pairs, and initially I was in a triad. We are now in a larger group, and were just given paper and crayons. Interesting how we are now discussing issues in and around community. One person is speaking about diversity and related challenges in the Ivory Tower. Another person is focused around community in a larger context, the American Leadership Forum. Goodness, what should I say or share? I ended up talking about my own preference for online communities, and allowing them to develop organically rather than intentionally. There was also some discussion about political communities, especially with a discussant in our group from Columbia. People then discussed Second Life and Adobe Connect as other options for online community.

There is now a really interesting presentation on the use of a blog with a classroom teacher, on using a blog with a series of math classes. There is a data analysis done with this, as a grounded analysis. I am wondering how they addressed the ethical issues and consent (for the research part) and how this works with privacy (for minors and their names online with what they do or do not know). I will have to ask about these. Interesting work with student blog summaries of mathematical concepts in textual form. There is even an interesting discussion about breaking down barriers of accessing information and communication between classes. The math teacher approves each comment to the blog with the student responses listed. The researcher co-presenter works with mathematical communication.

I personally received a strict order: not to take more than 4 weeks, and the dose of Ambien Without a Prescription in 4 weeks should be decreased and then the reception should be stopped at all.

All the students and parents signed consents on this, and the blog is open to the public, but the links are not readily accessible. This presents a challenge (IMHO) about privacy, equality of  service, research, and a need to use current technology to meet learning needs.

Autoethnography with Carolyn Ellis and Art Bochner

We are introducing ourselves at the beginning of  their pre-conference session. What a fascinating cross-section of people: doctoral students, a few master’s students, faculty, researchers, and investigators. People are from all over the world, including even some introducing themselves through translators. I am amazed how interdisciplinary the audeice here is, and with the number of faculty members who tell about how they want to integrate autoethnography and these sorts of qualitative methods within research departments. Educational programs, communications programs, sociology programs, and  nursing / health programs seem to include most of the attendees.

Amazing how many people are here and are actively using this method in research projects.

There is a lot of love and passion here in the room, and Carolyn used that as her introduction into what she does and how she justifies it. She begins by contextualizing it.

With autoethnography, she begins by speaking about ethnography, which is the study of a culture, with its literature, experiences, traditions, and meaning-making structures. It involves both art and science.

If we were to focus on the science part, we would want to be neutral and try to accurately describe what is happening with them (ethnographic study) over there, in a neutral and objective manner. Generalizabillity and concepts to explain things would be useful, as well as what theory is being used, the variables, etc. In this manner, you would be the researcher only observing, and not experiencing or actively participating in it. The research voice would be used, and is the single voice of the text. in a more scientific form, it ends with a conclusion.  This model is a reporter—just reporting what objectively happened.

As a researcher, if we wanted to be more artistic, we may start with a story. Embody your topic. We would have multiple voices. Use the participants’ voices to show you are there. We would share authority, as try to get text in multiple voices. More arts-focused research projects are structured in a variety off ways, and when it ends there is often the perspective that explains what the researcher learns and invites the reader to consider his or her own thoughts. This is intended to generate some kind of response / effect in the reader.

Autoethnography has combinations between autobiography and ethnography. It is my thinking and feeling with what is going on with them (the ethnographic other). Writing autoethnography wants to evoke the reader.

How do you read qualitative articles? Abstract and conclusions seem to be how many people read traditional journal articles. More arts-based writers try to engage the reader with a specific experience.

Autoethnographic writing often has dialogue, plot, etc.

Art’s proposition: All scholarship is a form of communication.

The researcher is always part of the research data (Art believes now), though he was taught  the complete opposite—the researcher should be absent and not included in the research at all. To do this, it is common in qualitative dissertations that it begins with a story. The first chapter often addresses the researcher’s story, in other words what brings me to this research (why am I interested in this). Another component of this is about how do you change in this project? Why do research if you do not learn anything (or otherwise already know it)?

What we write in the name of research is written for others. We do not write it for ourselves. Is this research project just for me? What do I owe to those people who I study? What is the exchange (ethics) if we take stories from another and then do not give them anything back.

All stories have some elements—time, characters, plot, scene, action

How do you do this? Consider immediacy and write a story that makes the person jump off the page and be alive. Writers do this (as opposed to reporters who just “report” what happened.

What keeps us reading? Action, tension, trouble.

Autoethnographers get into trouble at times for having stories about trouble and loss and tragedy. However, these are the issues that keep people’s interested.

Narrative methodology holds that writing is part of the inquiry. This is the opposite of what we were taught in grade school—begin with your thesis (in other words, begin with the main point even though we have not written it yet). Narrative method understands the narrative through the process itself.

For autoethnography, write and create the effect of reality. Do this as a believable writer / researcher. In putting myself on the page, it is warts and all, as this makes it more believable. The vulnerability of the researcher helps the reader to trust.

They gave us a four page copy of Maternal Connections, a short piece that Carolyn wrote in the Ellis and Bochner text Composing Ethnography. We read the piece individually during the break, and then the participants discussed the meanings and what struck us readers about the story. I am trying to connect this story to research. There is quite a bit of discussion about what was going on there, and how it seemed to draw different readers in different ways. This then developed into a discussion about contextualized truth and how it can be evaluated.

It seems that autoethnography requires that the author faces his or her issues and then publicly airs those experiences. This seemed that this is a big issue that has come to many of the participants in the room.

What role does ethics play in all this? How does this work with the autoethnographic author when writing about the experiences of others. What is ethical to write about in a situation? The researcher has the ability to write the story in any  way that is wanted, though the issue of ethics arises in many different ways.

Autoethnography does not need to be about you as the main focus of the research, but that you (me) as the author still enters the story as a character in the story, even if it is mainly about somebody else.

Somebody just asked a question from the perspective of critical race theory, and to what extent this is or is not believable. Interesting question that now invites me to consider some other topics.

When you write your own story, it is never only our own story as it often involves others.

I asked a question about Maternal Connections, as I initially thought this was part of a larger piece of autoethnographic piece. Carolyn and Art responded that this four-page work is the entire autoethnographic research in itself. No literature review, no findings, no stated theory, etc. Research can be thought of as on a continuum, and our job is then for us to have our voices in the piece, knowing that this work will be accepted in some research journals / sources / communities, but not in others. Carolyn stated that this short story is really pushing the bounds of qualitative research.

I have to think about this idea a little more, as it is personally a little troublesome. This is one of the issues that I am happy to struggle with it, as it will help me learn something new. Learning in this regard is a nice reminder of how painful an experience education really can be. In fact, this is one of the reasons I came to this conference in the first place–I want to learn, and there is no better place to grapple and learn about these issues than with those who have done the most with raising them in the first place. If I come to a conference and do not have something that makes me reflect and consider other possibilities, then either  it was the wrong conference for me or I was not ready to face it.

When doing autoethnographic research, issues in and around the IRB are important and handle this in a different way. As Art said when encouraging IRB submission and approval, “Protect thyself.”

For advisors, it is important to know if people (who want to write with autoethnography) are capable of doing it or not.

My Autoethnographic Writing in Yvonna Lincoln’s Session

(This is the result of an assignment Yvonna Lincoln gave us during her pre-conference session on experimental writing. It is not finished, and is intended for us to explore this method. I will develop this into the “What did I learn in this? section for my paper.)

I have 3 days. That is it. No more without discussing it and gaining  agreement with my colleagues and faculty tutor. How am I going to finish my first research project in my doctoral program? 3 months into the program, and already original (if not perfect) research.

Yes, I will finish it. I always finish it. Working full-time, teaching 3 university classes, studying toward a PhD, and preparing for 3 conference presentations within a two week period of time? I can do that. Of course I can do that! I have always finished before . . .

I interviewed 3 people about their intentions and what they learn and what they hope their learners will learn from their autoethnographic work. Yes, and how technology figures into the equation, as I am in an E-research and Technology Enhanced Learning doctoral program.

We had 4 weeks for the project, and on top of everything else, I have not only gotten my research design written, approved by the ethics committee, requested interviewees (I got 3 though I only tried for 2), adjusted my transcripts after my interviewees did not like my notes of our discussion, and then open and axially coded my data – I also analyzed the data and wrote an initial overview of my findings.

I realize the more time would not have helped much; what I need it help with is writing a more concise and comprehensive consent form, resources for transcription, feedback with being more rigorous with the strategies of inquiry and to what extent coding should be done (Strauss, Corbin, Berg, Wolcott) and using whose framework (Stake, Yin) and how mixing frameworks can be useful), and assistance with selecting and then using qualitative analysis software (Nvivo, Atlas ti, MaxQDA).

Is my research perfect? Of course not. Complete? No.  Ready for conference or publication submission? Not quite yet.

But what value was the project? Immeasurable.

I never would have supposed I could have learned so much about research apart from doing it (this is my first time doing it to  this extent individually). I realized not only I can do it, but that I love it. I learned that my initial framework for autoethnography was somewhat limited and is now larger, as I learned that other people think about it in other ways. I learned that it is really important to love the topic of the research, as that will be the only tings to sustain me in times of overwhelming despair. I can even see this research developing into my first step toward a dissertation (called a thesis in the UK).

I learned a lot, learned there is a lot more I do not know, and that research really can influence and support practice.

First Thoughts from the 5th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (QI2009)

QIlogo2009-286-1 Here I am at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, all checked into the hotel and unpacked, and ready to attend this evening’s Pre-Congress Reception, from 7:00-9:00 in the Levis Faculty Center. I just heard about this reception yesterday, and think it is a nice (though not widely publicized) way to begin this, my first International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry.

Then, off to try to get my first full night’s sleep all week so I can be prepared for the two Pre-Conference Workshops I registered to attend tomorrow:

  1. New Experimental Writing Forms with Yvonna Lincoln
  2. Writing Autoethnography and Narrative in Qualitative Research with Art Bochner and Carolyn Ellis

More about the final preparation I am doing for my own two paper sessions (that I will present on Friday) tomorrow!

ASTD 2008 Convention Reflections: Final Day

As we are now nearing the end of the morning of the final day, with one more of my eLearning Gallery Live Demos to do, I am finally able to start processing this experience, which is something I will probably do over the next few days as well.

I will offer a few initial thoughts:

  1. I like the setup here at the San Diego Convention Center. The ASTD central area was, literally, centrally located for the conference. The Expo was convenient, with generally enough Starbucks and food options here. The Convention Center is walkable to the Gaslamp Quarter (it is across the street), with numerous options for food and drinks and entertainment (Petco Field, where the Padres play, is also across the street). Even the airport is only a 10 minute drive from this location–what a wonderful convention location.
  2. There was free wifi access in certain parts of the convention center, though not in all the rooms and locations. This was also convenient, especially for people who simply cannot leave work alone for several days. With all this connectivity in areas around the Wifi Wireless Internet signs. The challenge is to find an available outlet in or around the area with the wifi access. I often travel with an extension or multiple-plug adapter, but did not due to space constraints this time.
  3. There did not seem to be the same number of sessions as there previously have been. I have not been to the conference in a number of years, though I seem to recall more sessions last time. The flip side is that with fewer sessions and enough time between each one, there was enough time to get from one end of the space to the other, get coffee, see the Expo (which has been a challenge in overscheduled conferences before), and otherwise connect with people.
  4. ASTD does not seem very Web 2.0. There were not any conference tags (I have been using astd2008), interactive locations for networking, or really any opportunities for encouraging social networking before and / or after the conference. While two of the sessions I attended and liveblogged were specifically on Web 2.0, with both of them encouraging the learning professional attendees to get up to speed ASAP with these possibilities and opportunities, I find it interesting that those sessions were packed with people trying to learn more, yet there seems very little that ASTD is formally doing to help meet the needs and try to catch up with the learning curve. I face people who stubbornly refuse to acknowledge that younger learners inhabit and use technology in an integrated lifestyle (as opposed to using technology as a different sort of “thing” as an add-on to whatever the “pure” content is), and even find myself techno-resistant at times without a clear sense of direction or direct applicability. However, our connected and networked world is only going to increasingly alter the “traditional” way of workplace learning and performance, and as professionals in this field, we have to stay current or even slightly ahead unless we will make ourselves seem completely irrelevant.
  5. Networking. I have not done that much networking during this conference. Yes, I did meet some really nice and interesting people with whom I hope I will be able to remain in touch, but I am a bit more reserved when left to my own F2P (face-to-face) devices. I wish I would have taken advantage of the dinner sign-ups at local establishments with others who signed up for a certain location of time. I really think this is a good opportunity, and will have to remember it as something definite to do next time.
  6. I liked showing my work at the eLearning Poster Session. It was a bit tough to do so for three days, but I think it allowed for a couple of great discussions, as well as opportunity to share my work. I really hope they do this again, and next time publicize it better. I also found it interesting that some of the sessions were, like mine, our own work, while others seemed to be more, shall we say, vendors looking to directly distribute their products in a different format? This is the first time ASTD ever tried this format, and I hope they used it as a test so it will be more known about next year to get even more people submitting for it. I have never presented in a poster session before, and in many ways was a rich learning experience and opportunity to develop my own skills as a presenter, researcher, and instructional design professional. 
  7. The gala event at Seaworld was wonderful. Good weather. Great demonstrations, Fun shows. Enjoyable games (I won two stuffed whales for the babies at home!). I even thought the food was good (though I did not eat most of the food, as it was (ironically) seafood) and the drinks spaced enough for the large crowd of us. I took lots of pictures that will be on Flickr in a few days.

I will certainly have additional thoughts about the conference over the next few days, and will probably add more posts about this, as well as upload all the pictures I took with some links to where they will be located on Flickr in the next few days.

As for all the learning I did? That is already beginning to be used immediately, and will (hopefully) become more apparent via my blogging. I also have a few new writing and presentation ideas to start considering. Did I mention I bought a bunch of books?

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