I uploaded a bunch of pictures in a my Renaissance Merchant outfit to Flickr.
Let’s just hope for no rain!
Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
I uploaded a bunch of pictures in a my Renaissance Merchant outfit to Flickr.
Let’s just hope for no rain!
A colleague on Twitter Tweeted about this, and I thought it was just wonderful! As I love things Medieval, I wanted to share this animated version of the Bayeux Tapestry. This is quite a clever and engaging way to show something so richly historical.
Hard to imagine how fast time flies.
I have been away for a few days due to a recurring food poisoning episode, a demanding work week, a much slower Windows Vista now with Norton 2010, and the reminder that I am teaching a new online course that begins on Tuesday. I am planning to catch up a bit with my online life today, and realize that after several days of little online work and communication, it is unworkable to address everything.
I will do what I can, and then onward and upward.
Since I need a break from all the research and work I have been doing recently, I am planning to attend and WALK in the Village Halloween Parade this year (something I have never done). I am planning to dress as a Renaissance merchant, and have ordered all the pieces (and a few more) to dress like this. Will have my own pictures closer to the date once everything arrives.
Wonder if there is a Renaissance Faire group or anybody from the Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) (from the East Kingom or the Canton of Whyt Whey) that is planning to walk as well?
Anybody want to join me in the parade, or at least wave at me as I walk by?
While the research jury is still out for how this actually works, initial research suggests there may be a connection.
I wonder how this can fit with learning? Can learning be contagious? If we promote learning practices, can they rub off on those around us, so that we, en masse, increase learning skills and a knowledge base? With a knowledge society, let’s hope so.
Of course, the question of “whose learning” should we try to spread (think conservative vs. liberal, race, power relationships, etc.) will also have to be addressed, and once again we may be back at the beginning . . .