Category: Art & Aesthetics
Make Cycle One: My UnIntroduction
With this challenge, I will again reply with a poem, (following what I did here and here), maintaining my own response to Continue reading “Make Cycle One: My UnIntroduction“
This here is my first poem in years
So, here Continue reading “This here is my first poem in years“
Connected Learning as Poetry
While those who want to control education, open and interactive moocs may indeed be threatening experiences, yet this one is different — it is threatening because it is envision on a connected, maker model. It is described as:
a collaborative, knowledge-building and sharing experience open to anyone interested in making, playing, and learning together about the educational framework known as Connected Learning
Its threat is because Continue reading “Connected Learning as Poetry“
Goals and Intentions for 2014
As a did in 2013, I developed some goals and intentions for the upcoming year. I moved this to the top of my site up here, both to keep me honest and to help me easily recall what I hope to focus upon.
I would not mention these and share them publicly if these were not valuable, doable, and within reach (with some stretching). While I will hope for help and support and positive intentions, these are the things I hope to accomplish in 2014:
1. Engage in Timely Communication
I want to engage in communication, such as via Inbox ZERO (delete, delegate, respond, defer, or do) and Social Media (Twitter replies, Facebook replies, etc.), in a more timely way to better engage in and maintain conversations with networks.
2. Use a Thoughtful, Evidence-Based Approach to How I Use My Time
I completed my PhD in Educational Research in 2013, and as a result I tend to observe things around me in researcher-mode, questioning and seeking to find evidence to guide my actions and beliefs. All this takes time, and I hope to make the best use of it.
3. Approach Nature through Principles of Somatic Experiencing
I feel in many ways I am too removed from nature — food, living, breathing, exercise, living in New York City, etc. I will plan to spend more time directly interacting with the Great Outdoors.
4. Maintain Financial Balance
I want to be more aware of what I spend, and where, in an effort to help me move forward toward meeting my goals.
Let the new year proceed, and may we live in interesting times.