This here is my first poem in years

pencil_graph_paperWhile still waiting for the first #CLmooc Make Cycle, I am trying a little making of my own. As I said in my Connected Learning as Poetry post last week, I will explore making poetry over the next couple of weeks.

So, here goes . . .

This here is my first poem in years

This here is my first poem in years.
Considering a topic
and audience
and emotion
and context
and style.
Or not.
Is that good enough?
“Good enough?” For whom?
Who is the arbiter or good or bad poetry?
Perhaps poetry and autoethnography may be similar.

Onward and upward!

17 thoughts on “This here is my first poem in years

  1. The Arbiter intervenes
    determines words and lines
    and rhythm and space, shouting
    that this won’t work
    that won’t work
    this won’t flow
    this has to go
    while all the while,
    the hashtag expands its net
    with never a nod towards


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