Q4 What strategies have adjuncts and casuals taken at your institution to improve employment conditions? #AdjunctChat
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Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
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@JeffreyKeefer none, because we are scared and our status is too precarious. If we don’t put up with it someone else will #AdjunctChat
@rebeccagoodway @JeffreyKeefer exactly, we tried holding out for fractional contract to teach multiple courses > #adjunctchat
@rebeccagoodway @JeffreyKeefer they just found someone else who would work for casual hours instead. #adjunctchat
@rebeccagoodway @JeffreyKeefer Same cost, they just didn’t want to give us office, status, recognition for our work #adjunctchat
@rebeccagoodway @JeffreyKeefer Divide and conquer :-/ #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer Q4 A Using social media to raise awareness has been very effective. Issue is now in media spotlight #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer Q4 A …Using social media (Twitter, blog), Day of Action, networking, organising, Congress motions #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer Q4 A – Day of Action. Also obtaining data – very important as somebody else has mentioned http://t.co/PzbJ5ZWwna #adjunctchat
RT @JeffreyKeefer: Q4 What strategies have adjuncts and casuals taken at your institution to improve employment conditions? #AdjunctChat
@JeffreyKeefer A3. None. We’re all too tired/ burnt out, working on our PhDs or desperately protecting whatever work we do have #AdjunctChat
@rebeccagoodway @JeffreyKeefer Yes. There is *always* someone to take your place. #AdjunctChat
@JeffreyKeefer our union branch gathered data on precarious contracts, surveyed staff, ran campaign http://t.co/imaBjUeZLH ongoing work tho