RT @Comprof1: @IshaiBarnoy @JeffreyKeefer Also need to ask who pays for tech and/or tech training. #adjunctchat
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Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
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@JeffreyKeefer @Comprof1 @IshaiBarnoy Unfortunately we do not have $$ for tech training #adjunctchat
@fabianbanga @JeffreyKeefer @IshaiBarnoy You don’t have videos for students and faculty? How do they get answers to tech ?’s. #adjunctchat
@fabianbanga @JeffreyKeefer @Comprof1 @IshaiBarnoy are there grants out there for tech training for educators–including PTers? #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @fabianbanga @JeffreyKeefer @IshaiBarnoy it’s not clear at my cc “who” students can speak to if all troubleshooting fails.
I do not know @AdjunctSarah // in Califronia we have @ONEforTraining // @JeffreyKeefer @Comprof1 @IshaiBarnoy
@AdjunctSarah @fabianbanga @JeffreyKeefer @IshaiBarnoy A real problem esp at schools just getting into online learning #adjunctchat
@AdjunctSarah @fabianbanga @JeffreyKeefer @IshaiBarnoy You might look into sloan-c and/or merlot. Also, SOME tech companies. #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @AdjunctSarah @JeffreyKeefer @IshaiBarnoy Yes, took us 4 years to develop helpdesks, hire program 4 LMS etc #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @AdjunctSarah @JeffreyKeefer @IshaiBarnoy … but takes a lot of time to develop critical mass #adjunctchat