@smrburke @DaveKnowsStuff This makes me wonder if there is a universal definition of what constitutes #SoMe #KMbChat
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Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
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@JeffreyKeefer @smrburke IMHO, the usual definition is pretty narrow. think anywhere people congregate online can be social media.
@JeffreyKeefer @smrburke Check the @CDCgov’s Health Communicator’s Social Media Toolkit. Broad set of tools and ideas http://t.co/q5qHbYxc07
@DaveKnowsStuff @JeffreyKeefer @smrburke @CDCgov A superb resource in Health & beyond, I think #SoMe #comms