These are all such wonderful suggestions, everybody! Phew!! Can somebody help to summarize them? #adjunctchat
6 thoughts on “These are all such wonderful suggestions, everybod…”
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Director of Training & Knowledge Management + Educational Researcher + Professor + Poet + Wikipedian = Liminality + Actor-Network Theory + Open Education
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@JeffreyKeefer Do we have a chat transcript somewhere? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer 1) weekly is better and more predictable 2) balance between practice and issues 3) possible research partners #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer 4) Perhaps research on adjuncts (think chronicle’s working on this) 5) guest speakers/spec topics with resources #adjunctchat
@Comprof1 @JeffreyKeefer thank you! 1 hr next time? #adjunctchat
@JeffreyKeefer 6) Consolidate platforms (blog, autotweets, perhaps twitter account just for #adjunctchat) 7) takes time to grow community
@JeffreyKeefer Oh, and add to 6) chat transcript (very important for those who can’t make it live) Autotweet link thruout week? #adjunctchat