@Comprof1 I know what you mean; that is exactly why we need to plan these things and focus on supporting one another! #AdjunctChat [jeffreykeefer]
@christiepooh We are trying to assess interest in an ongoing forum, #AdjunctChat, to discuss issues related to being or becoming an #adjunct [jeffreykeefer]
@christiepooh While #AdjunctChat is too new to have a clear identity, I think that being or becoming an #adjunct is all related and fitting. [jeffreykeefer]
@christiepooh @SueFolley I am planning to attend my #phd graduation ceremony @LancasterUni on Dec 11. [jeffreykeefer]
@christiepooh Gotta love @APA_Style. I wish a new edition would come out to simplify citing online journals, web articles, etc. V 6 is dated [jeffreykeefer]
@christiepooh I have 5 articles planned, though not fully clear which exact journals yet. [jeffreykeefer]
@emilygwynne NO!! I don’t like do-nothing, waste away and wait to die vacations. [jeffreykeefer]
@emilygwynne Finishing is a good thing. Kudos! [jeffreykeefer]
@Comprof1 Great suggestions! Let me drop a few of these into a poll and open it for feedback #AjunctChat [jeffreykeefer]
@Comprof1 Again, all great ideas! [jeffreykeefer]
Select a topic for the next #AdjunctChat on Tues, May 28, 4:00 EDT http://t.co/Ijhb4I2aua Please RT #phdchat #ECRchat #AltAc [jeffreykeefer]
@JaneBozarth @Comprof1 @peoplegogy @fabianbanga ‏@AlisonSeaman @raulpacheco Topics for next #AdjunctChat http://t.co/Ijhb4I2aua [jeffreykeefer]
@PWPicnic @VanessaVaile @VCVaileNFM Topics for next #AdjunctChat http://t.co/Ijhb4I2aua [jeffreykeefer]
The poll for the next #AdjunctChat allows for more than one option to be selected! http://t.co/Ijhb4I2aua [jeffreykeefer]
@JaneBozarth @AlisonSeaman @Comprof1 @fabianbanga @peoplegogy @raulpacheco Excellent! Hope to see you there #AjunctChat [jeffreykeefer]
Do you #adjunct? Want to talk about it? Select a topic for the next #AdjunctChat on Tues, May 28, 4:00 EDT. http://t.co/Ijhb4I2aua [jeffreykeefer]
I was really touched with the story abut Michael Jackson on @60Minutes; I remember weeping when I got the alert at the office when he died. [jeffreykeefer]
8 people already gave feedback for next week’s #AdjunctChat http://t.co/Ijhb4I2aua. What do you want to discuss? #adjunct #phdchat [jeffreykeefer]
@peoplegogy Only part as good as knowing it is there. Still have that Wow! feeling. You, too? [jeffreykeefer]
RT @keithschofield: Exciting @Jimmyovskio “@BestEarthPix: Ireland http://t.co/YSj7cwbtvm” [jeffreykeefer]
RT @DrSarahOlive: Researcher in education with a PhD wanted for ‘Connected Communities’ project in Bristol #phdchat http://t.co/a62vnsHZOP [jeffreykeefer]
@DrSarahOlive I only wish I were closer!! [jeffreykeefer]
@raulpacheco Not sure I understand what you mean; suppose I will have to wait for the post itself? #PhDChat #ECRChat [jeffreykeefer]
RT @mediendidaktik: Remember the date: 19th May is the last day to register as early-bird for the PLE Conference 2013: http://t.co/WkTOizw2… [jeffreykeefer]
Well, it is dark and overcast and misty outside, though I have to get going with this walkway. Will try until it rains. [jeffreykeefer]
Why do you #adjunct? Select a topic for the next #AdjunctChat on Tues, May 28, 4:00 EDT. http://t.co/Ijhb4I2aua [jeffreykeefer]
The walkway is being prepped now that all the bricks were removed. http://t.co/00l2ZIkEHg [jeffreykeefer]