- More than 3 million people have donated to #Obama2012 That's amazing: http://t.co/ttT9Qi1V #
- @Gtrombone And wifi; have seen conferences ruined for lack of both! in reply to Gtrombone #
- @Acwri @jacquietran @PhD2Published Thanks; I think I will follow in the background; may help with thesis writing ideas #acwri in reply to Acwri #
- Ah, #NYC how so I missed you. #
- @jacquietran What is #acwri in reply to jacquietran #
- @SarahStewart That is an amazing experience; relish in it! in reply to SarahStewart #
- Enjoyed an evening of outdoor dinner, drinks, warmth by the chiminea, and then watching the stars and moon with the telescope and binoculars #
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