- @switwitz I recommend http://t.co/AN8ObGQx and http://t.co/iuSmLccq to start with #Papers2 @papersapp @PapersGenius #MASY1GC1260 #phdchat in reply to switwitz #
- @switwitz Alas, #Papers2 is not user friendly when first trying it. A simple quick-start is in order #phdchat @papersapp @PapersGenius in reply to switwitz #
- @NancyReyesNYC One step at a time . . . in reply to NancyReyesNYC #
- @NancyReyesNYC Suddenly some basic Tweets seem a lot easier in comparison, ehh? in reply to NancyReyesNYC #
- @NancyReyesNYC I would encourage starting with an easier one, such as one post and one reply each day on Twitter. That is doable . . . ? in reply to NancyReyesNYC #
- @NancyReyesNYC Ahh, that is the challenge. A long list is insurmountable. Chunk it and start first with the low-lying fruit. in reply to NancyReyesNYC #
- @NancyReyesNYC Hey, that may be an area for consideration about next steps, ehh? in reply to NancyReyesNYC #
- @NancyReyesNYC Like you are really that shy! You excel at communication. in reply to NancyReyesNYC #
- @NancyReyesNYC Sweet. You can do it!! in reply to NancyReyesNYC #
- @NancyReyesNYC Hey, stranger . . . great to see you here. What is the occasion? in reply to NancyReyesNYC #
- Time to clean from dinner and run a few errands before I settle in for my final round of online work, comments, grades, and writing tonight #
- Excellent article about how barbaric elephants in circuses are – The Elephant in the Room : http://t.co/c1X5iscg Kudos to #PaceU #
- @ai1sa
Usually I see a need and spend so much time considering and analyzing and planning and developing, that progress is not made! in reply to ai1sa #
- @Lemness I am not certain, but I think it is related to word of mouth, from one person interested in the area to another. in reply to Lemness #
- @DrewWhitworth1 That way we can buy sweaters; helps the economy. in reply to DrewWhitworth1 #
- @aephd I tend to forget there is a world around me of people with similar interests. in reply to aephd #
- @gconole Excellent! You will be fantastic #pleconf in reply to gconole #
- Seems our little #actor network theory #ANT group http://t.co/MvXs98o6 is actually gaining members and interest #phdchat #
- @gconole Excellent. When will it be live streamed? #pleconf in reply to gconole #
- @manaspuhan You are not the only one! in reply to manaspuhan #
- I find being away from apps like #YoruFukurou and forced to rely on Twitter's own app seriously hinders my communication. #
- @sarahthesheepu What is your role there? in reply to sarahthesheepu #
- @martin_eve and that is a problem because . . . in reply to martin_eve #
- @gconole @torresk Soooo bummed to miss it. in reply to gconole #
- @damagedidentity I tried a few, but never fond of any of them. Let me know if you have luck locating a decent one. in reply to damagedidentity #
- @christiepooh So tired so early? in reply to christiepooh #
- @martin_eve The most surprising thing, alas, is that nearly half a million people still use Yahoo. Too bad, really. in reply to martin_eve #
- @switwitz
in reply to switwitz #
- @dfreelon Yes, one of those terms to use for people you don't like. in reply to dfreelon #
- @slamteacher Goodness, I never had luck with #EverNote Telling, I suppose, given your comment. in reply to slamteacher #
- @manaspuhan and that is a good thing #MASY1GC1260 in reply to manaspuhan #
- @switwitz Sorry had not gotten this in time (!!); next time DM me via Twitter #MASY1GC1260 in reply to switwitz #
- @janglasgow Indeed, we had so much rain in the Northeast of the US in the Spring, though can certainly use a bit now. Not like you, though! in reply to janglasgow #
- @christiepooh Thanks, good to keep in mind. in reply to christiepooh #
- Wonder what happened to the cool down the weather people promised for this week? #
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