- @lindathestar Good strategy. in reply to lindathestar #
- @lindathestar @LottaFriedner Agreed; always remember who can read what we write. Now to knock wood! #phdchat in reply to lindathestar #
- @ai1sa Yes, welcome to my life. in reply to ai1sa #
- @lindathestar Great; nothing like trying something new. in reply to lindathestar #
- @VGoodyear Staring with their names! In the UK = doctoral thesis; in the US = doctoral dissertation #phdchat in reply to VGoodyear #
- @lizgloyn CIQ meaning the critical incident questionnaire? in reply to lizgloyn #
- @kiakahamcg @martin_eve Good ideas; thanks! #phdchat in reply to kiakahamcg #
- I am reframing the structure of my thesis, and think Chap 1 contains too much to simply call it Intro. What do you call it? #phdchat #
- I just booked my flight for #nlc2012 so it's official – I am planning to attend. #phdchat #change11 #
- @ai1sa Perhaps the wart or mole refers to the thesis; it has to come out and be done with it! 😉 in reply to ai1sa #
- @VGoodyear I concluded I will move some of my content around in my thesis, and Chap 1 contains too much to only call it Intro #phdchat in reply to VGoodyear #
- @VGoodyear I also found that much of the same specs are in each doctoral dissertation / thesis, but the naming convention can shift #phdchat in reply to VGoodyear #
- @VGoodyear I found there seems to be a similarity with American doctoral dissertation chapter format, but not as much elsewhere #phdchat in reply to VGoodyear #
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