- @ai1sa Great suggestion for Internet or Social Media marketing. Forgot about Seth's work. Thanks! #
- @macboyx and voila, that solves that issue. Thanks! #
- @aeratcliffe Yes, that seems to do the trick. #
- @hummingbird604 You are Tweeting and such with your mother at lunch? She doesn't mind? #
- @NSRiazat I am reading the manual for it yet again; it seems so rich and full of possibilities. #
- @hummingbird604 Still waiting at the airport? #
- @hummingbird604 Not familar with that term. Good, new learning for today. #
- @hummingbird604 Tried to send you a DM, but alas, you do not follow . . . #
- @macboyx I wish I could limit that to just the title of the story, and not all that text. #
- @aeratcliffe @macboyx Well, #Reeder does not seem to allow me to rename feeds or shorten the summary specs in the center column. #
- @pogie Thank you again! #
- @christiepooh @savasavasava @trentmkays I have tried that with LinkedIn, but limited responses. Perhaps you need to be active like here? #
- @hummingbird604 Meaning you can't drink it or they can't sell it 😉 #
- @lizith Well, at least you caught up on other things in life that need doing #phdchat #
- @pogie Thank you for the recommendation. Have you used this? #
- @trentmkays @savasavasava I know. To be honest, she said she had never heard of it, either. #
- @hummingbird604 Enjoy the visit, and get a bourbon or two while you wait. People then tend to look better then. #
- @trentmkays @savasavasava A colleague told me she just got a great new job through LinkedIn. First experience of ever hearing of a benefit. #
- @hummingbird604 Goodness, has your life come to that; you need to head to the airport to people watch?! #
- RT @savasavasava: it's amazing how rarely I go to Linked In. <> Agreed #
- @martin_eve That surprise you? Reminds me of the "No, man, those aren't my drugs in my pocket. I am holding them for a friend." #
- @macboyx @aeratcliffe OK, I trust both of your recommendations, so just bought #Reeder I like most of it so far. Few rough spots, but nice #
- I am looking for a social media 101 primer for a colleague who wants to start a small business. Any recommendations? #
- @PeterFlomStat Sorry to hear 😉 though #Scrivener does have a beta version for Windows. #
- @PeterFlomStat Scrivener is a writing program I swear by; it allows for writing in chunks and not linearly http://bit.ly/bGdmwr #phdchat #
- @macboyx Odd they do not have a free trial. I hate buying software just to not like it . . . #
- @PeterFlomStat Ahh, no, I do not use this., have become quite fond of #Scrivener for my writing @aeratcliffe #phdchat #
- @PeterFlomStat You just spoke a language I have heard, but not enough to understand. Alas. @aeratcliffe #
- @PeterFlomStat You are more conscientious! I know many a person who doesn't understand any of their own stats @katypearce #phdchat #
- @OwhyOwhy Reading or using? #phdchat #
- @katypearce I agree. Not sure how people use stats that they don't understand and hire others to do for their diss @PeterFlomStat #phdchat #
- @cambgirl #Qigga only works on Windows #phdchat #
- @jenn_melon @OwhyOwhy @SueFolley @merry30 @aeratcliffe Not sure willing to give #EndNote yet another chance #phdchat #
- @jenn_melon @OwhyOwhy @SueFolley @merry30 @aeratcliffe Wasted many hours over the years fixing #EndNote field messes in Word #phdchat #
- @aeratcliffe @macboyx I also need Google Reader intergration though want anything already read to be hidden, so I can focus on new things #
- @macboyx @aeratcliffe I have always been fond of FeedDemon on a PC, though the Mac version, #NetNewsWire is somewhat limited. #
- Our modem died this morning and just mysteriously started to work again. Alas, will exchange it at Time Warner first thing Tuesday morning. #
- Here comes the thunder. Again. #
- @aeratcliffe No; a colleague of mine recommended it. Is it worth the price, given there are a lot of free ones out there? #
- @aeratcliffe Wow, what a summer! #
- @savasavasava This must be a first. Do you have a temperature? #
- @Lemness Does a certain number of followers matter? #
- @aeratcliffe Wow, 3 weeks? Goodness! #
- @OwhyOwhy Last version of #Mendeley was a disaster with duplicates; have not used the new version @SueFolley @merry30 @aeratcliffe #phdchat #
- @agnesevardanega Cheers – enjoy the day! @insopportabile @pratichesociali @antoesp @drteresacairns #
- Rrrrr, library database issues this morning; do not seem to be able to access Informaworld Taylor and Francis #phdchat #
- @lindathestar Yes, I think karma plays a role in sharing via #phdchat #
- @lindathestar I know, I know. I am sure a vineyard is more work than the fantasy allows! #
- @SueFolley Excellent progress! #phdchat #
- @aeratcliffe A 3 week holiday? #
- @SueFolley #Endnote references in Word fields are a disaster if collaborating or using multiple pcs @OwhyOwhy @merry30 @aeratcliffe #phdchat #
- @lindathestar Thanks; am formulating my request for participants, so stay tuned! #
- @lindathestar I wish I had a vineyard! Would do anything to retire to France to have one. Alas, I make it at a facility with imported grapes #
- @lindathestar Agreed. My research if much richer with interaction and sharing ideas and poking with questions via Twitter @ai1sa #phdchat #
- @lindathestar I made a good quantity of wine that was bottled last week, and it was a hit at dinner last night. Surprised, though pleased. #
- @kiwicito So you will not need to revisit these same people? So you don't want to compromise your access; unhappy participants #phdchat #
- @gconole Wow, how wonderful! #
- @gconole Goodness, you even birth cats. Are you not Wonder Woman? #
- @lindathestar Why contemplate another wine? Enjoy life, that is unless you have to drive someplace. #
- @gconole So saucy for a Sunday. Makes me wonder if that means you do not have all your chores done yet!!??!! #
- @gconole I find them nice at times, though being surrounded by tall trees in a high elevation in upstate New York now, they are scary. #
- @gconole You are a wild one!! #
- @gconole I meant, WHY! #
- @gconole Wh? Do tell. #
- @lindathestar Did you mean to reply to yourself? Goodness, perhaps you do need a good break after all!! #phdchat #
- @aeratcliffe Goodness, are you offering to organize one, or just noticing this for our collective benefits? #phdchat #
- Just saw a flash of lightening out of the corner of my eye, followed by a loud peal of thunder. Now I hear the rain increasing. #
- @kiwicito Perhaps, but for your first time around, seems a lot! Is this where you are hoping to do your thesis research, too? #phdchat #
- @lindathestar Alas, I have been getting so little exercise these past few years, one day will not make a difference. #
- Not a good sign, with the increasing thunder. It is getting darker out than it was at 5:30 this morning (when I got up). #
- @ai1sa Are there any ways to allow for posts or comments on your blog to be subscribed to? I would like to get alerts for follow-up comments #
- @lindathestar I can completely relate with you on this one. I think today may be a lit review day. #phdchat #
- I hear a lot of thunder in the distance; looks like another weekend day lost to indoor-only weather. #
- @kiwicito Why did you choose what seems to be a touchy issue as your initial area of research? #phdchat #
- @kiwicito Did you know it was a low trust environment going in? If not, there is your learning. If so, what did you do to prepare? #phdchat #
- @kiwicito However, if people do not want to discuss, you cannot make them. Use this as a topic for a supervisor discussion #phdchat #
- @kiwicito All of these things can compromise your research on various levels #phdchat #
- @kiwicito It also can be frustrating when you get accused of something unpleasant, as they can withdraw consent or complain #phdchat #
- @kiwicito It can be a challenge in an organization you know to discuss things that people do not want to acknowledge #phdchat #
- @kiwicito What do you think was going on there for it not to be discussed? Depending on your design, what is not said is valuable. #phdchat #
- @antoesp @agnesevardanega Have either of you used this text? Looks interesting. #phdchat #
- @kiwicito Who accused you of that? How did you prepare for the interview (i.e., what resources did you use to prepare for them?)? #phdchat #
- @macboyx Did you compare that one to NetNewsWire or Gruml, both of which are free? Wondering what Reeder does to justify the price. #
- Got up early with the dogs on a rainy Sunday, and now to listen to my two early music programs on NPR — Millennium of Music and Harmonia. #
- @hummingbird604 Alas, sounds like it is time to outsource. #
- @VGoodyear I know of it, though have not used it. Sorry. Is that your plan? #
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