- Amazed at how busy the #phdchat tag has been over the past 2 days. Phew; just caught up. #
- I just saw Spider Man on Sunday; but it sounds better on American Idol now. Perhaps Bono and The Edge should have been there? #
- Somebody in #phdchat mentioned the book "They Say / I Say" http://amzn.to/mMtlqD today. Was it recommended? #
- Have to go, but glad to share on #phdchat in real time. Stay well, think much, reflect always, and write often. #
- I think about critical thinking from the perspective of Stephen Brookfield: the process to uncover and check assumptions #phdchat #
- I just got Fail Whale again. #wtf #Twitter ! Twice in the same week? What is this, 2008 again? #
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