Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2011-05-12

  • Speak with our colleagues on #phdchat again very soon. Stay well, all, and thanks for sharing the passion and references and suggestions. #
  • Need to rest more a bit now; hope this bronchitis goes away soon. Still yucky. #
  • Regarding analysis, I have found The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers by Johnny Saldana helpful #phdchat #
  • Going back to the question for today's #phdchat do people analyze interviews as they are done / transcribed, or all at once together? #
  • Since I am home sick, I think I can not only join #phdchat today, but it will actually take my mind off my bronchitis. #
  • Recent article by Bruno Latour "Networks, Societies, Spheres: Reflections of an Actor-Network Theorist" #phdchat #
  • Been using #bera2011 for British Educational Research Association BERA conference. Am I the only Tweeter, or just a different tag? #phdchat #
  • Home sick today. Yuck. #

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