Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2011-01-06

  • Doing a little background reading before a research interview I have scheduled for this evening #phdchat #
  • Farewell for now #phdchat colleagues. Lots of follow-up later today and tomorrow. #
  • I am struggling to keep up with the #phdchat today via my BlackBerry. Willcatch up this evening after a research interview. #
  • Studying for so many years with a number of degrees along the way, I hope the PhD will bring a sense of (proximate) closure #phdchat #
  • When I find my PhD studies especially challenging, I then refer to the endeavor as a very expensive hobby. #phdchat #
  • In some ways, I wish I could study FT, but knowing me would feel too disconnected without lots of pans in the fire #phdchat #
  • Now, I want a PhD as it seems to be a terminal sign to bring all this study and research to some closure, at least for this step. #phdchat #
  • I always felt I wanted to do a PhD. Part to teach, part to study, part for career, and part for credibility. These were all initial #phdchat #
  • Phew; just made it for #phdchat but cannot figure out what the topic is this week. Can somebody share it again? #
  • Such a long day; may not even be able to clean through emails. Extra effort in the morning. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2011-01-05

  • What a long day. Few Tweets and little email, since I am teaching this evening. Lots to say, though little time and energy. #
  • Getting a coffe, finally. Not time for lunch today 🙁 #
  • OK, off to the office. Will be speaking with one of my Twitter colleagues via Skype (via BlackBerry) in about 45 minutes. #
  • Hurray, a second day in a row of #InboxZero If only I can keep up my research at this pace! #phdchat #

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Musing on Grounded Theory

As I am nearing the point where I need to submit my doctoral thesis research proposal idea by the end of the month, and then the first draft of the proposal itself by the end of February, I am starting to narrow down my seemingly endless options and consider what will hold my interest for the next two years, as well as what will have enough (workable) depth to allow me to leverage the results of this process in an academic context.

While considering this on my own, I am quite happy that Jane, one of my colleagues at Lancaster University and through the Twitter group #phdchat, is a few steps ahead of me on the path and is doing her own thinking about what appears to be our shared methodology of choice, grounded theory. Her most excellent recent post, Remodelling Grounded Theory – some quotes and the odd note, has me thinking again about some of the reasons why grounded theory started and continues to attract me.

I remember when I first encountered grounded theory through the work of Glaser, it seemed a little rigid and, dare I say it, almost quantitatively qualitative. I had the sense that he wanted his perspective of grounded theory to be objective, as if qualitative research can (or should) be objective, in any way. What does it mean to be objective when we are trying to understand meaning-making, much less so if we are intentionally trying to problematize it (which I mused on regarding transcription itself)?

With a little more learning and more experiences since then, though not necessarily more wisdom, I can now try to articulate a bit about what in Glaser’s work, especially in his essay Remodeling Grounded Theory, does not feel right with my perspective in this research. It seems Glaser works from a different paradigm than I do, and that is how I perceive a certain rigidity he seems to have with how grounded theory is used or understood. I can’t help but think that Glaser approaches grounded theory from a post-positivist perspective, where he seems to make meaning and derive theory about something by finding out what is already in the pattern of the experiences, as if it were objectively sitting there already awaiting his discovery, rather than he as researcher bringing the meaning to the phenomena.

The therapeutic value of lies in that it not only treats panic attacks but also relieves neurotic states born of stress. This is an effective drug for convulsions.

While I am not clear what Glaser means in his reproach to the concept of “Qualitative Data Analysis,” though I think it has something to do with Denzin’s shift (thanks again to one of Jane’s links) that is well-articulated in the work of Kathy Charmaz where the researcher is clearly a part of the grounded theory research process, with all that it entails.

I again agree with Jane, “More thoughts and deliberations to follow“!