Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2010-08-02

  • I thought it was too good to last; Entourage is again not syncing with iCal. #
  • Kathy Charmaz does not advocate the use of axial coding, as it has the capacity to make the coding cumbersome. Very true! #
  • Listening to #NPR while reviewing my coding for my grounded theory project. #
  • I just made my first #NPR pledge. I love @wfiuharmonia and Millenium of Music. #
  • I am looking for a Mac RSS reader that syncs to Google, since the PCs I use for work run #FeedDemon — want all to be current. #

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“Faculty Support” Research Paper and Grounded Theory

I have not blogged in about 2 weeks, due both in part to my ongoing new computer drama (more about that after tomorrow) and my research paper revision.

My revised paper is due tomorrow, and I am on schedule to complete and submit it tomorrow evening. While I am nearly complete with it, I will share one of the greater learnings about this research–the power of grounded theory. I knew this was a rich methodology, but I had no idea how powerful its rigorousness could be. It is taking me far longer than I anticipated, and that is in part to its thoroughness and strategy to develop theory, not to prove or dispute it.

I hope this learning will help me narrow my doctoral thesis area . . .