- Much smoother drive back to Gotham than I expected. #
- Opened the Blackboard shell for my Business Communication course that begins in 2 weeks. Plan to make the syllabus available this evening. #
- Just finished stacking and moving all the wood from yesterday, and now the driveway is again clean. #
- Finished reading / skimming / processing all the magazines I had on 3 shelves. All caught up now. #
- RT @maniactive: This Twitter Refollow Policy by @RayBeckerman really resonates with me. http://bit.ly/dvYtxi (You had me at bullet point 1.) #
- Watching the rabbit who is now picking seeds up under the bird feeders. #
- Now enjoying #Harmonia http://indianapublicmedia.org/harmonia/ on #NPR. #
- Enjoying another early Sunday morning listening to Millennium of Music http://www.millenniumofmusic.com/ #
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