Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2010-03-20

  • Late night at the office, trying to get things closed up. Next stop, UK. #
  • I just can't fully shake this cold, so off to the doctor before my trip. #
  • What a spectacular day outside. Even though I went to bed very late preparing for my classes next week, it feels wonderful out there. #
  • Looking forward to meeting @cristinacost next week in Manchester, before I travel off to Lancaster. #

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Research Interests for the Residential Next Week

researchI am traveling to England on Sunday for my residential at Lancaster University, and the focus this year is on the methodologies and ideas for the upcoming doctoral thesis (doctoral dissertation in the US) that we hope to begin after the next year of coursework.

One of the assignments we have for next week is a welcome one — we should consider our research interests and prepare a 5 minute presentation to discuss them, their context, and possible methodology. While none of this will be set in stone, it will be the first time we have discussed this together with our cohort.

I have been thinking about this, and believe I will develop this here on my blog over the next few days. I have some ideas, though need to reflect on to process them and determine how I can move forward . . .