- I am still discussing issues I am now aware of regarding the transcription of research interviews http://bit.ly/7JjVv this week. #
- Just learned that Greenwich Village 10014 is the 3rd most expensive zip code in the US: Forbes.com http://bit.ly/4c3xiy. Bohemians beware??? #
- The doorman said he saw a large raccoon walk up the sidewalk in the middle of the night. A raccoon in Greenwich Village? Mind little dogs! #
- I look up, and in front of me is Grant’s Tomb. Yes, I rode to Riverside Park and am taking a break around 124th St. May be sore tomorrow. #
- Needed an exercise break and a transcription break, so went for a bike ride. #
- Need a break from transcription. Will finally go for a bike ride. #
- New comment on “Bakhtin, dialogicality and the (moral) act” http://bt.io/9qs #
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