- About to begin an Advanced Adobe Captivate course with IconLogic. #
- Working early on my autoethnography research paper again. Worked late on it last night. It is becoming my life. Irony to be sure. #
- Just finished Open and Axial Coding one of my interview transcripts. About to send for member checking. #
- Just heard (and bought) one of the best new tracks I have heard in a while; When Love Takes Over (feat. Kelly Rowland) by David Guetta. #
- Cold outside today; had to turn the heat on. #
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Hi Jeffery,
I was wondering if you could help me with how to start coding. I’m doing a qualitative research on IT graduates.. basically interviewing them for an hour…. so transcribing takes me around 4-5 hours. Now the task is coding…. Can you advice me on where should I start and how?
Thank you in advance
How exciting!
While I am not an expert on coding to any extent, I have been working with Johnny Saldana’s book The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers http://www.amazon.com/Coding-Manual-Qualitative-Researchers/dp/1847875491%3FSubscriptionId%3D1YNZ339ZCHHAKYFSY702%26tag%3Dsileandvoic-20%26linkCode%3Dxm2%26camp%3D2025%26creative%3D165953%26creativeASIN%3D1847875491
and find that text an excellent introduction, overview, and guide to coding. For a beginning qualitative coder, it is filled with references to other works for more advanced study as needed. That is where I recommend beginning.
Sounds like an interesting process. What is your research question and design?
Hoi Jeffery,
Yeh the research is somehow growing interesting as I’m interviewing and transcribing.
Well, my research is on Organization attraction. And the question is What are the factors that IT professionals to an organization? So keeping the recession in mind….. I have around 12 questions… also in the end.. I’ve 2-3 questions regarding recruiting practices (web 2.0 tools). So I’m quite anxious about the results…….
Oh yes.. its a qualitative research!
Thanx alot for recommendation 🙂
The best for your work. It sounds like there may be some interesting findings you will learn. When do you expect to complete it, and how will you share the findings?