- The Time Warner Center is nicely decorated for the holidays. #
- Michael Storrings is signing A Very New York Christmas at Borders in Columbus Circle. #
- @jfeo Not sure yet; the course will be online and I have not yet received the feedback regarding my syllabus proposal. Very condensed. #
- Spencer had his stitches removed this morning and met the oncologist for the first time. Everything went well, and he is recovering nicely. #
- @BlancheMaynard Still hope you are not reading this. #
- @BlancheMaynard Why panicking? #
- @kathyschrock If you were to speak, what would you say about it? #
- @nealcross I suppose the marines are not interested in that part of the African coast?! #
- @nelliemuller I think that title is right up there with “coach,” “advisor,” or “consultant.” #
- @rdelorenzo I am catching up, too. Managing #Multimemberships is a challenge. I think I need to cut back on RSS feeds due to overload. #
- Between meetings. #
- Finally leaving the office. Tired. #
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