Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-06-09

  • @christiepooh I liked your #ASTD2008 final thoughts. Tried to respond but it wanted me to use a Google account. Can you open comments? #
  • @pinoyboy Nice to know some like life organically. #
  • Indian food for lunch. So much work in the office after being away for a week, that I need something spicy away from email and tasks. #
  • @injenuity I thought that always was the policy? #
  • @injenuity Creativity or multiple personalities or something even more interesting?! #
  • At the bank. Nice ac here. Maybe I will linger in line. #
  • @christiepooh Great. Just added my comment to the growing list! #
  • @tonykarrer Appreciate your thoughtful comments to my ASTD liveblogging. #
  • 96 degrees outside in NYC. Hard to believe still this temperature at 5:00. #
  • Just had a power surge and the lights flickered. Not a good sign. #
  • Still unpacking after #astd2008. #
  • Considering some options for my Leadership class’s final exam next week. #
  • @tonykarrer At least I would have met you in person first! #
  • @dmcordell Why not? Why should mobile blogging be any different? Arrggg! #

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Lessons While Leaving San Diego Airport, ASTD 2008

As was sitting on the plane thinking about the trip back home to the East Coast from ASTD 2008, and I distinctly recall the last time I went through this airport. It was shortly after 9/11, and the security lines were long. Very long.

I recall a security person barking out at the crowd, “No laughing!” I thought this was a bit drastic, but having lived in NYC on that horrible day in 01, and feeling the security had been somewhat problematic previously, I did not really mind it (except for the lines). It was also on the way home from ASTD. I was in a different job with different expectations. Different time. Different skills. Different experiences. Different colleagues, interests, technology, education, and plans for the future.

While we did not get barked at in line this time, I still feel the security here is strong, and am glad that whatever training the TSA staff have had in the intervening years, they have continued to stress what is important, while leaving the rest behind. Good lesson for all in workplace learning and performance.

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-06-08

  • Long hot day. Enjoyed the Belmont Stakes party at a neighbors’ house. #
  • Thinking about seeing my Leadership class students on Tuesday. Seems this past week’s classes went well. Hope Good to Great was useful. #
  • Considering using a wiki to collaboratively discuss and generate the final exam questions. Anybody ever try this? #
  • Already warm outside. Will finally go stack that firewood we had delivered. #
  • Already warm outside. Will finally go stack that firewood we had delivered. #
  • Strong thunder outside. A lot of NOAA weather alerts. #
  • Strong thunder outside. A lot of NOAA weather alerts. #
  • Strong thunder outside. A lot of NOAA weather alerts. Here comes the lightning storm. #
  • Strong thunder outside. A lot of NOAA weather alerts. Here comes the lightning storm. #
  • Strong thunder outside. A lot of NOAA weather alerts. #
  • Strong thunder outside. A lot of NOAA weather alerts. Here comes the lightning storm. #
  • Wow, that was some storm. It stopped connectivity so no Tweets or email. Strong winds and thunder that shook the house. Non-stop. #
  • Getting Dunkin Donuts coffee. Seems we are between thunderstorms. Severe weather. #
  • Just got back to Manhattan. 90 degrees at a quarter to eight. Wow. #

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