I attended one of these, the one for University Instructors and Professors (hey, I adjunct at NYU, don’t I?). Of the three people who showed up for the face-to-face session, nobody changed anything on the wiki. Ironically, in bright red text, the instructions on each page of the wiki stated
Please leave existing text on pages intact.
Doesn’t that contradict what wikis are all about, namely to foster interactive content creation and sharing? Take a look at the wikis, most of which do not have any changes or edits or anything done to them. I wonder if this is because people did not know what to do with these? Did not know they were there? Followed the directions quite literally? Did not care?
I am not sure, but am wondering if these should not be revisited and used TO PREPARE for next year’s convention? I think if ASTD did more to foster community among convention attendees going into the event, then that may help people strengthen them during and continue well after the event.
I am definitely considering some ideas to submit for next year. Hmmmmm.
That’s what happens when people treat wikis like a content management system. They still see the web as an information pushing media – from the almighty to the reader… Don’t try to give me feedback, I don’t care. Wow, I would have expected better from ASTD.
Why should we expect better from ASTD? How many books or blogs or Tweets or what have you do you follow from senior ASTD people?
We need to start a user-level revolution!
How do we do that?
Perhaps we can consider doing co-presenting at next year’s conference?
You know, Tony’s Web 2.0 session was packed. A lot of hungry and curious people. Does ASTD offer sessions in labs? It would be great to have a lab session where people could sign right up. Otherwise, I am afraid they sit in the session and love it…then return to “real life.” Maybe ASTD needs a lab running like the email stations but this one is for people who have questions and are afraid to ask. Maybe it opens right after a session explaining the “best” of web 2.0 and how it can meet your needs.
I think your questions are great! In fact, the “labs” that they offered were small group discussions in large conference rooms, without technology (thus no direct connection and integration with the wikis). Having an open “wiki station” like the email stations may have made a difference.
The more I think about this, the more I want to do some proposal around all of this for next year. Have to consider in what capacity . . .