- @_Yarbo_ What is the image you are using for your Twitter personage? #
- @RobinYap Interesting facilitation indeed. #
- @_Yarbo_ Ahh, you are running for the preident of Cuba? #
- @nnoakes Wish you were here, Nick! #
- @slmader Ouch! #
- @marklise I wish we had more time for everything. #nv08 could easily be twice as long! #
- Listening to Matt Mullenweg speak at Northern Voice. Great visionary. #
- He makes me feel old. #
- Matt stated that spammers are digital terrorists. Hmmm. #
- Matt spilled coffee and Boris Mann crowdsourced napkins from me to wipe up the spill. Wonder if I will be famous for this? Ha! #
- Just saw @leelefever at #nv08. Nice to catch up. He does really exciting work. #
- Had trouble connecting to the network at UBC for #nv08. #
- Nancy White is so engaging! #nv08 #
- Wonder what happened to my Tweet about Liveblogging Nancy White https://silenceandvoice.com/ #
- Seems there is a delay in Twitter. #
- "I feel like to little butter on too little bread," which is what Chris quoted from the Lord of the Rings. #
- Chris asked who Twitters. Lots of hands. Who is Twittering now? Here is my answer. #
- What is the implication of the disconnect between early adopters to social media and when the mass of people begin using it? Good q, Nancy. #
- Is Twitter a technogeek ghetto? Interesting question somebody just asked at #nv08. #
- Yes, liveblogging is quite a workout. #
- Especially when liveblogging while also Tweeing and getting links and following the discussion and questioners, and . . . #
- Arjun SIngh : "I almost have to be an ambassador for transparency." Wow, he is a publicly-elected official!!! #
- @betsyweber Miss you here, too. You would have loved this! #
- @_Yarbo_ This happens automatically with the WordPress widget Twitter Tools. #
- Watching Phillip Jeffrey speak about Facebook at #nv08. Hoping he will shed some light on why so many people are infatuated with it. #
- Just spoke with Matt Mullenweg. Told him WordPress changed my blogging experiences and thanked him for sharing the software. #
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