- Watched "The Year Without A Santa Claus." I love the Miser Brothers! #
- Having WordPress problems with install-helper.php #
- Twitter Tools seems to be having some issues when I select to have my Tweets convert to blog posts. #
- Preparing for a large, 2-hour project review meeting that I am facilitating. #
- The meeting went well. Eating a Veggie Delight from Subway before the 12:00 noon meeting. #
- left-over bacon in the kitchenette . . . sweet! #
- @macboyx What makes you fearful? #
- @kristiewells I love wasabi peas! #
- @pinoyboy Ahh, something else in my life I never had. #
- @macboyx & @pinoyboy Are they really that bad? #
- Got coffee to help me finish building a departmental meeting project status report. I love project management. #
- I reinstalled WordPress last night. Knock on wood the error message will stay away. #
- Seems Twitter Tools is working again. Sorry for all the updates . . . #
- @pinoyboy I would prefer a research paper or conference proposal any day over those two! #
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