Thesis Proposal — Approved!

Happy to share the good news that my revised doctoral thesis proposal has just been approved.

My working title is, which will surely change as I dive further into the research and begin the interviews, is:

Navigating Liminality in Distance Education: The Experiences of Research and Professional Doctorate Learners

While I received initial, provisional approval a few weeks back, I found this revision a strangely challenging hurdle to overcome. I knew what was needed. I knew how to get the information (some of which I already had). I even knew within 1 hour how long it would take me. While armed with this, I still found it a daunting task. I wonder if this was due to all the anxiety that went into creating the initial proposal that it drained me of all my research energy? Hmm, something to think about. Wonder if others have encountered anything like this?

Anyway, on to my ethical paperwork.

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2011-05-19

  • I just started using my own Method of Inquiry Table based on my revised doctoral thesis proposal #phdchat #
  • Alas, have to run. Nice to see some of my #phdchat colleagues in real time today. #
  • Great EdTech tools being discussed by those involved with #PhD work on the #phdchat today. Lot's of new things to try! #
  • One tech I use on my iP#d is #GoodReader I now annotate all my PDFs on my i#Pad and then move back to my Mac #phdchat #
  • I also just added my #bera2011 conference information to the #phdchat wiki Wonder who else will attend? #
  • I just added myself to the #phdchat wiki list of participants Thought I was already there. #
  • RT @ElenaGol86: My new (un)helpful #PhD blog post: A 3 day challenge OR how NOT to write a conference paper #phdchat #
  • I submitted my revised proposal for review today. No energy left, so more replies tomorrow. Cheers. #phdchat #

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