Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-31

  • Worked out tonight. First time in a few weeks. Still the same size, but breathing easier now! #
  • @RobinYap I have been working on home email Inbox Zero by doing / filing / deleting at least one email each day while caring for new ones. #
  • @slmader My reply is a bit late, but I see what you mean . . . #
  • Met some colleagues at a CPSquare meetup here in NYC. #
  • Great meeting Bronwyn Stuckey and Caren Levine in person. Wish I could chat longer, but a work commitment precludes it. #

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How to Use Twitter in Higher Education

I decided that I will list my Twitter name on the syllabus for the class I am teaching that begins tomorrow, Project Management for Training. I decided to do this after reading an article in the Chronicle, Forget E-Mail: New Messaging Service Has Students and Professors Atwitter. As my class is in a continuing education certificate program, I am not sure how or what I will do with it, but I know nothing will happen unless I take the first steps.

While my class will only touch on technology, I am interested in listing the Twitter address and seeing where it may lead. Has anybody out there effectively used Twitter in an adult-oriented, non-technology focused class?