Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-06-08

  • Long hot day. Enjoyed the Belmont Stakes party at a neighbors’ house. #
  • Thinking about seeing my Leadership class students on Tuesday. Seems this past week’s classes went well. Hope Good to Great was useful. #
  • Considering using a wiki to collaboratively discuss and generate the final exam questions. Anybody ever try this? #
  • Already warm outside. Will finally go stack that firewood we had delivered. #
  • Already warm outside. Will finally go stack that firewood we had delivered. #
  • Strong thunder outside. A lot of NOAA weather alerts. #
  • Strong thunder outside. A lot of NOAA weather alerts. #
  • Strong thunder outside. A lot of NOAA weather alerts. Here comes the lightning storm. #
  • Strong thunder outside. A lot of NOAA weather alerts. Here comes the lightning storm. #
  • Strong thunder outside. A lot of NOAA weather alerts. #
  • Strong thunder outside. A lot of NOAA weather alerts. Here comes the lightning storm. #
  • Wow, that was some storm. It stopped connectivity so no Tweets or email. Strong winds and thunder that shook the house. Non-stop. #
  • Getting Dunkin Donuts coffee. Seems we are between thunderstorms. Severe weather. #
  • Just got back to Manhattan. 90 degrees at a quarter to eight. Wow. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-06-06

  • Long day. Finally finished with the five hour flight followed by a three hour drive. Bed never looked so good. #
  • Rainy outside this morning. That’s ok; I have lots of laundry to do. #
  • About to do more laundry. Rainy and misty outside, and after being so tired from the great #astd2008 convention, I just need to recover. #
  • About to do more laundry. Rainy and misty outside, and after being so tired from the great #astd2008 convention, I just need to recover. #
  • About to do more laundry. Rainy and misty outside, and after being so tired from the great #astd2008 convention, I just need to recover. #
  • About to do more laundry. Rainy and misty outside, and after being so tired from the great #astd2008 convention, I just need to recover. #
  • About to order firewood for next year. Odd to think about that now, but this is the best time of the year to do it before the season turns. #
  • Still puzzled over the odd blogging mess that went to my site from the email to WP yesterday twice. I know it had worked the day before. #
  • Just ordered firewood. Think oil increased in price?! If you need wood, order it soon. Ouch. #
  • Just ordered firewood. Think oil increased in price?! If you need wood, order it soon. Ouch. #
  • Just ordered firewood. Think oil increased in price?! If you need wood, order it soon. Ouch. #
  • Just had wood delivered. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-06-05

  • Eating dinner at the Hotel del Coronado. Much nicer than the pictures. #
  • @BetsyWeber Did you enjoy the S’Mores? #
  • Awake and time to get ready to check out. #
  • Just checked out and waiting for airport shuttle. 5:30 am local time. #
  • @BetsyWeber Safe flight home. #
  • On the shuttle to the hotel. Surprised to see so many homeless in San Diego only about 4 blocks from the hotel. Small downtown? #
  • Got through security in the San Diego Airport. Thank god I was able to use the priority line. Otherwise would not be enjoying Mickey D’s now #
  • The coffee at Mickey D’s was awful. Really just wanted the sausage biscuit with egg. Oh well. Off to Starbucks before boarding. #
  • @BetsyWeber Hope you can avoid the hefty airport lines. Great seeing you. Next time, in my neighborhood! #
  • The flight is oversold. Glad I am already on it. Would have taken their offer, but next flight is this afternoon. #
  • Landed in Newark and saw the moblog post I did this morning came out as gibberish. Not good. Cannot fix until later this weekend. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-06-04

  • #astd2008 is done for the day. Now onto the gala event at Sea World. #
  • Wow, today is the last day of #astd2008. This really went fast. #
  • @SarahStewart Ouch. That happened to a presentation to me last year. I was in the program, but my paper was absent from the Proceedings. #
  • @SarahStewart Can you speak about the paper? #
  • @jazzychad Be careful; they may take the service down to consider it . . . #
  • #astd2008 is wrapping up. I took my poster session down and have it ready for the plain. FedEx is too pricey to ship home, so will carry it. #
  • I was surprised to see only one person I knew from previous #astd2008 sessions at the convention this year. I wonder what that means? #
  • @bjschone Would have been nice to meet another Tweeter at ASTD. I liveblogged the sessions I attended #
  • @the_peg_is_in Would have been nice to meet another Tweeter at ASTD. I liveblogged the sessions I attended #
  • @christiepooh Would have been nice to meet another Tweeter at ASTD. I liveblogged the sessions I attended #
  • @achanliu Would have been nice to meet another Tweeter at ASTD. I liveblogged the sessions I attended #
  • @krazykriz Would have been nice to meet another Tweeter at ASTD. I liveblogged the sessions I attended #
  • @gminks Would have been nice to meet another Tweeter at ASTD. I liveblogged the sessions I attended #
  • Sure, now that ASTD #astd2008 is over, I finally start seeing a few Tweets thanks to TweetScan. #

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