Final Exam Wiki

I am using a wiki to work with my students to create their final exam later this week. I do not think many of them have done this before, so this is a learning experience for all of us.

One thing I have noticed; while I am trying to encourage democratic education, they have been so infused with top-down instruction that they seem to be having trouble letting loose with this as an opportunity to shape their own final.

I think this will be an interesting experience to debrief with them.
Jeffrey Keefer

Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-06-14

  • Bought Miracles of Compostela by Anonymous 4. Never knew they recorded one of them. #
  • No Web access until Sunday night. At least my BlackBerry gets email. #
  • The weather just warned of a thunder storm moving 35 mph with quarter-size hail. “Move indoors immediately” they said. #
  • Seems the thunder storms are done for the time being. #
  • Seems the thunder storms are done for the time being. #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-06-12

  • @skydaddy Sorry I missed you. You still on skype? #
  • @skydaddy The book you recommended looks so familiar. #
  • @skydaddy Yes, sure enough, I already have the book. Do not recall when I bought it, but at least it will now be useful. #
  • @fncll Sounds like an interesting quest. When I took a graduate philosophy course last fall, I was surprised by how anti-tech everybody was. #
  • @fncll Chris, it was even worse than that. I felt invited to climb right back into the silo I have fought my entire life to climb out of! #
  • Have a headache. Busy morning in the office so far. Thankfully things here are smooth today, as my head is pounding. #
  • @mathplourde Your Wikis in Higher Education document is quite useful. I linked to it on my wiki for the exam #
  • @skydaddy Some great information there; thanks again for the reference. #
  • @skydaddy Alas, no skype during the day (am at work). Perhaps some evening or otherwise I can call on the phone? #
  • I need some fresh air. #
  • I need some fresh air. #
  • @socialthing Cool. Surprised you don’t use SnagIt for captures like this! #
  • @socialthing Interesting. Never seen this program before. It reminds me of Jing Project #
  • @mathplourde It is a final exam for my Leadership course. I created the mid-term, and want to encourage more participation for the final. #
  • @mathplourde There has been low activity on it, so will discuss in class tonight. #
  • @gusgreeper Why don’t you ask them? #
  • @injenuity How does the Duran Duran song of my youth go? Enjoy the Silence. #
  • @gusgreeper I tend to ask. Do not like to link to people I do not know anything about. I suppose I see it as some level of approval. #
  • @injenuity Shows my frame of mind this week! How savage of me to confuse my favorite band with another from the great music decade. #
  • @skydaddy Thank you for the link. I will watch tonight (blocked at work). #
  • @skydaddy Ouch. If I used Facebook, I could send you some relaxing fish or throw a philosopher at you to help you think about it. #
  • @skydaddy Hope it feels better. Great speaking F2F via teleconference (there has to be a T2T or other acronym for that) today. Very helpful. #
  • @skydaddy No wonder I have not seen your Tweets recently. Another whale story perhaps? #
  • @abalone Thank you for the feedback on my blog post today! #
  • Off to class. Looking forward to my students’ presentations tonight. #

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