Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-23

  • I am planning to catch up with my delayed thoughts and posts and responses with the #cp2tech01 workshop. Starting now. #
  • @arjunsingh Well, you certainly have things to say and demo! #
  • @abalone Where is the camera phone when you need one? #
  • Thought it would be a quiet morning, but had formal and informal meetings the entire time. Did not even answer emails or unpack my bag. #
  • Thought it would be a quiet morning, but had formal and informal meetings the entire time. Did not even answer emails or unpack my bag. #
  • In formal and informal meetings all morning. Did not even unpack my bag or reply to emails before I left for the weekend. #
  • Trying to get out of the city. Lots of traffic but beautiful weather! #
  • Think I missed most of the traffic. Phewww. Going to mow. #
  • Finished the lawn. Cool outside; may need the heat tonight. Cha-ching! #
  • Finished the lawn. Cool outside; may need the heat tonight. Cha-ching! #

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Jeffrey’s Twitter Updates for 2008-05-22

  • Ate dinner in Little Italy with a friend from grad school and the misses. Good times. #
  • @SarahStewart Insert > Movie (or Media, depending on the version). #
  • Had a meeting at the Hartford Institute at NYU School of Nursing this morning. #
  • Have been thinking about my Leadership class students who have their mid-term this evening. Hope they caught up on the reading. #
  • Hope my students have been considering their own developing definitions of Leadership. That would be a good exam question, wouldn’t it? #
  • @Catalina_h Perhaps a hike in Bear Mountain State Park? #
  • @gallada There is a lot of reading. Focus on major models for content, application, and internalization. #
  • Need a triple grande skim latte. #
  • Feeling a little light-headed. #
  • @injenuity I like your new pic. You do shuffle them up. #
  • @leelefever How long does the charge last on something like that? Can’t shake the memory of the old mowers with extension cords. #
  • @leelefever Do they also calculate how long or wet the grass can be. I know I have learned the hard way how important these issues can be. #
  • I hope my students have reviewed the Bass and Riggio Transformational Leadership (2nd edition) text as I told them on Tuesday. #
  • @fncll Sending you the vibes of the Wisdom of Solomon. #
  • @fncll Sounds cool, though somewhat more corporate than higher ed. #
  • @Catalina_h Huh? #
  • @coyenator It is one of those buzzwords that we (sometimes) try so hard to standardize and measure that it results in just another task. #
  • @suewolff I have never heard of it before, though would like to study with Carolyn Ellis. #
  • Off to class. #
  • Just gave my students their mid-term. Hope they are doing well on them. #
  • @butwait Can you elaborate? #
  • @maniactive Strange, how profound that sounds. #
  • @tonykarrer Who else do you know who is going to ASTD in San Diego? I was going to start talking about it next week. Plan to liveblog it. #

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