I am happy to share that a paper I co-authored for the 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference was just accepted for presentation during the conference in Dublin, Ireland. My co-author, again Gale Parchoma, and I have it tentatively titled The Experience of Interdisciplinarity in Doctoral Research: Threshold Journeys.
This will be an especially exciting conference, as many of the researchers working in the area of Threshold Concepts will be in attendance AND many of their works have been very important in my own doctoral thesis research.
Anybody else planning to attend this?
Thank you for the tweet about the conference. It introduced me to the concept. It sounds very interesting and similar to other concepts that educators and trainers have thought about, looked for and tried to facilitate for their learners. It’s important that it is being researched.
Congratulations for your paper being accepted look forward to listening to the archives. 🙂 Which reminds me, in the spirit of MOOCs and OER, wouldn’t they consider streaming it and having a back channel, may be even in one of the Virtual Worlds?
Thanks for the visit and the kind words of encouragement!
Alas, I am not sure if many conferences really have or promote that active back channel (though not sure why). I know I do anything I can to try to promote these sorts of discussions; how else to get more people aware and involved?